Chapter 43: Apologies

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Leah's POV:

I've had enough of hiding... A month since Mel got her memory back... A month and a half since the day of our accident... Felix has his eyes and ears everywhere on the look out for me... this just makes my situation worst

I'm just about to step out the door, risk my life and apologies PERSONALLY to Mel. I can't believe I allowed this to happen... on the other hand, The Pop Girls are supposed to be in jail but their parents bailed them out

That sucks!!! They deserve pain!!! I escaped though, I'm not like them who would pull out the "Crying with Mascara" type, I'm more of the person who can sneak out... I too deserve the same pain too... but that can only happen after a proper apology

"Here I go" I whispered to myself, breathed in, and stepped out. I was wearing earth tone colors (Brown, etc) because black is WAAAY too predictable and bright flashy colors make me obvious

As I walked, I made sure to not look up... but I'd look up to check if I'm at the hospital or if I'm halfway there. I saw some of Felix's eyes and ears but when I passed them, they we're just talking about how they will make sure I'd turn to pulp

Yeah right, you people hadn't noticed how you just passed me


I kept walking and walking until I made it to the hospital... FINALLY!!! I made it through... I smiled a bit at the thought.

"Hey, um where is Melissa Skye's room?" I asked politely to the woman at the front desk of the hospital "Room 143, 3rd floor. You must be one of her friends?" She asked me and smiled. I smiled lightly at her "Yeah... I guess..." I trailed of as I walked to Mel's room

If se only knew what I had to go through to be here...

I inhaled and exhaled.... Then knocked on the door gently and opened the door. Once I peeked a bit, I saw Mitch feeding frozen yogurt to Mel... and Mel doing the same "Say AH" He said "No YOU should say AH"

Oh how cute!!! Well, here goes everything. I pushed the door open and they both looked at me. Mel was calm but Mitch? Dear baby monkeys he must have- "What the heck are YOU doing here?" He asks getting up whilst being furious

"Mitch, calm down okay? After this, I'm turning myself in" I admitted "Mel, I'm sorry. I let my greed for money take over me, I can't forgive myself after what I just did. I never should've caused this type of harm... I-I'm s-so s-or-sorry" I said breaking in to a fit of sobs

"Leah... it's alright. It's not your fault entirely... The Pop Girls are straight up the reason too. It's Ok, apology accepted" she says smiling "At least you came to say sorry" she continued "Thank you Mel!!!" I said and hugged her, she hugged back

"I have the right to say this... and Leah.... you don't have to turn yourself in" he says with an 'I give up' look and tone "Really? But why?" I asked "Mel is right, at least you apologized to her when the three blinded by mascara rats just gobbled down little salads"

"Accurate" Mel says "I told Felix already too and he's coming in right-" "WHAT?!?" Felix cuts Mitch's sentence "Now" he continues "She already apologized? How could the eyes and ears not know about this?" Felix says

"Earth tone colors" I said pointing at my outfit "Oh... Mel, you guys good?" He asks. Mel just simply nodded at him, Mitch getting behind her and bringing her close to him, she then giggled

"WHAT?!? HOW COULD YOU JUST EASILY FORGIVE AFTER WHAT SHE JUST DID? THATS REALLY-" "Just learn to let go" Mel replies calmly "Alright" Felix says in defeat

At least I know what I should've done weeks ago

That Update Though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, Leah is back!!!!! For the better ;) anyways, this book is about to end soon though😩 but we'll be fine... I'll just tell you guys at the next or last chapter :)

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!

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