Chapter 5: The Note

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Melissa's POV:

I was walking to my next class but I left my book at my locker. When I arrived at my locker there was a note... a warning note, I grabbed the note my book and an extra pen and walked to my next class. It said:

"Watch out Skye! We know someone who wants to hurt you, physically and emotionally. One of you so called "Friends" is just playing you... here are the clues if this "Friend" is playing;

A start using your things, uses most of your cash, starts changing from sweet girl to some boyish girl, becomes slutty and starts avoiding you.

Good luck!"

I hope this is just some lie or a prank... but maybe I should monitor them? No Mel!! This might just tear your friendships apart. I came in my next class and I couldn't help but think about the note, I hope it isn't Chloe or McKenzie or worst! Mitch! Now I'm freaking out!!

🍔at the lunch table🍟

I sat at the same table where Chloe, Brice and Mitch... once again Mitch sat beside me but this time with his own free will, the note think came back and I just monitored all of their movements. None of them seem to do anything the note said, maybe I should wait for their movements. I just hope this kind of thing isn't real, maybe I should facetime her later? I really should

"Hey, you look deep in thought" Mitch said "Uhm, just planning to facetime my old best friend, missing her is harsh" I said "Oh ok, so how are you?" he asked "I'm fine, you?" I asked "I'm fine, hey this might seem random but-" he got cut off by the bell "Um what was that?" I said "Erm n-never mind, lets get to class?" he asked "Ok" I said. Wonder what Mitch had to say? Oh well, it has to wait.

Aye! sorry if the chapter was short but this is all i can give at the moment. What do you think Mitch was gonna say? Is the note a prank or the truth? Will Mel and Elsie facetime? find out at the next chapter!!

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