Chapter 14: Fine

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Melissa's POV:

This morning has a lot planned for 1.Mitch told me to wait for him, 2. The school will know about me and him, 3. I have to deal with Kenzie!

Today is also the day where Me, Mitch, Brice, Chamile and Kristen help Felix win Chloe! It's just Fear and Excitement coursing through me now.

Mitch came and we went through the halls together. He then held my hand and I just wanted to hide! lucky enough, I wore a jacket with my outfit so I pulled my hood on like the last time. He hasn't noticed yet, but what I noticed was the dozens of stairs just looking at us.

40% where girls who where happy for us, 20%Where girls who where disappointed of Mitch cause they wanted his girl to be them and the rest where people who didn't care but just watched me and Mitch pass them.

In the 20%, The Pop Girls where one of them or should I say Chealsy was one of them. She came near us again "Mitch! why wasn't it me!? you know you could do SOO much better than her!" she said batting her eyes on Mitch "I already have the best in my arms, oh wait" he says

He pulls of my hood reviling my face "As I was saying, I already have the best in my arms! I'd be stupid to leave her for another!" Mitch said. Butterflies in my tummy just started fluttering. Chealsy just scoffed and walked away making sure to sway her butt in front of me and Mitch. He made a disgusted face.

We got to my class early and I just smiled cause there where not many many people who can see us "Bye Baby" he says "Bye" I giggled. He kissed my cheek and walked away, looking back every once in a while. I held the spot he kissed and went in the class room, I saw Kenzie but this time she wore normal clothes that covered her body but she was sobbing.

She is still my friend so I walked near her "Kenzie what's wrong!?" I asked her "R-remember the guy I flirted with? He's an ass!" she said "Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that" I tell her but part of what I said what's bitter on purpose. I already expected this to happened.

"And I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday! I was so caught up in him! I'm so so so sorry!!!" she said crying some more "It's alright, I forgive you" I said smiling a bit at her "T-think I can hang with you and your friends at lunch?" she asked

"Just this once though, Dane's sister is a great friend of ours" I told her "Ok" she said smiling a bit.

Well, that was fine I guess? but I can't trust her as well as I did before .


Hey :) A second update! yay!! I hope I can update again. See you on the next chapter!!

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