Chapter 9: Simple Things

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Melissa's POV:

As I walked through the school I couldn't stop smiling! just 3 days away from "The Hang". Yes. He named it that behind my back, how did I find out? trough Brice. I hope I can find a girl for him, someone who can actually love him properly and not for popularity.

I kept thinking of Mitch I didn't think he would be so down to earth to me! Like, how could he be hanging out with a nerd like me? I just ca~"Hey Mel!" Someone said, I knew his voice by heart "Hi Mitch" I said with a smile "Mind if I came a long with you?" He asked "Fine with me I guess"

To be honest with my self, I felt safe around him after the way he defended my just a few days a go. "Sooo, you excited for saturday?" He asked "Um, yeah... I guess" I said "I guess much?" he asked quoting the way I say that "Problem?" I asked him. We both just laughed, his laugh... it's a bit different but still perfect.

We walk to the hallways and we get massive amounts of stairs.Lucky enough, I was wearing a jacket so I covered my self up with its hood. Mitch decides to pull the hood off and suddenly announced "Hey everyone! Please, me and Mel are just human! stop looking please?". I just couldn't believe his actions, Pure Mitch.

They all look away and the bell rang, he walked me to my class just like the last time. "See you at lunch?" he asked "Of course" I tell him with a smile "Bye Mel, see ya bff!" he says and all of a sudden kissed my forehead "Um, b-bye M-Mitch" I say, why stutters? Why!? He smiled and blushed a bit then walked away.

I held the area where he kissed me, it felt great! even if it was just friendly... or was it!?!? Well, obviously yes.

I got in the class and saw Kenzie... Wearing too much make-up!?! Is it me or has she taken it to far. I sat near her again, brushing of the note thing coming back "Err hey Kenzie" I say "Hey Mel! don't I look fabulous for Dane?" She asked "Um who is Dane?" I asked her.

"That cute guy over there! Dane Havoc!!" she said getting all excited. Dane was ok but he looked like an ass! I wonder how many hearts he broke "Um yeah, You do look fab for him" I faked "I knew it! He will be mine soon" she said.

How on earth did she turn from the good girl to the Not-So-Good girl?!?

The note! wait! not all of the things mentioned on it happened right? or maybe not yet? oh Kenzie please don't be fake!!


Updated!! Hope you liked this chapter, is anyone else excited for the whole Mitchellsa\Mitchell thing going on? I know bad shipping name but still I ship it!! Anyways, I really bead that Felix+Chloe shipping name now 😕 but I'll still wait 😎 See you at the next chapter!!

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