Chapter 33: The Accident

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Melissa's POV:

🏠At Leah's House🏠

When I got there, I saw Leah " It's time you find out..." she said looking down. I didn't speak because I will never forget how she left me to get slapped and pushed how many times.... alone. We went to her garage and she opened the lights.....

My nightmare began...

"If it isn't the Bae of Mitch" Chealsy said "I know right? but sadly... He isn't rightfully hers" Brianna said. All the other members started to laugh "Wh-what's going on?" I ask "What are you? Stupid? Obviously, It's time you found out about what's truly going on" Brianna says

"Leah here IS our rodent. We wanted her to be a fake friend to see how much you can handle pain and as pay back for taking Mitch from both me and Brianna" Cheasly says "H-how could you... after all I've done for you? No wonder you left me to get beaten up by them" I said tearing up a bit but I wouldn't let that tear fall

"I...I.." She said looking down "Don't worry Mel, she did it only for money" Chealsy said "Chealsy, let's end this night with a big ending?" Brianna says "Oh yes we should Bri, let's show her fist and kicks till she turns black and blue with blood" Chealsy replies. They came closer and started throwing punches as kicks at me

I was screaming and bleeding a bit. All they did was laugh, and Leah stood there looking guilty. How could she?

After I dodged a few punches I got up limping and getting to the road while they chased me and all of a sudden..... everything went black

Leah's POV:

The pop girls chased her, I couldn't bare the pain I placed her. I feel horrible... I wanted money and didn't care about anyone's feelings or reactions. I came chasing the girls until my heart crushed it self further.... Mel got hit by a car! When the driver got out and checked on Mel, he directly called an ambulance

"MEL!!!" I screamed with tears streaming down my eyes. I ran towards her, the pop girls stood in shock and stood there. I heard the ambulance and a police car following behind "What happened?" The police said "Th-they ch-chase her and I-it's all m-my f-fault" I said holding Mel's hand

"Don't worry miss, we will take them and know more about the situation. For the mean time you must come with me so I can learn about what happened" the police man said. I followed his orders and ride with him but before we took off (With the pop girls in the back of the police car), I saw how the nurses took her still alive body to the ambulance

What have I done?..... What have i caused....


Hey there, here's an update for you guys. I know some of you hate me for this but yeah, I had to do this. Honestly, this chapter scared me 😱😱 but it jut gives me more devotion to make more chapters

See you on the next chapter!!!

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