Chapter 32: A Secret Meet Up

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🌳The Next Day After Last Period🌳

Melissa's POV:
As I walked around school, I felt horrible. I found out that Leah didn't go to school because she was 'Sick' . I know she doesn't want to face the fact that she blamed me for something she did, but she has to! it's not right that she would do that to me, someone who understood her.

"Baby!!!!" someone screams out of the blue, Oh Mitch! "Hey there Mitchy" I tell him cracking a smile. He then hugs me from behind snuggling his head on my neck "I know that you're pissed in someone or something" he mumbles a bit since he has his head on my neck

"Well, I have you know, it's that weight on my shoulders called school" I tell him "Then Imma make it fun for you!" he says lifting his hands in the air like a child earning crazy looks from others. Some went 'awwww' since some heard our convo

"Hehehe! common Mitch, I don't wanna be late" I tell him "Ooooookaaaay" he says following me. He is just.... Perfect.

🍄At Lunch⚡️

I was sitting on Chloe, yup, I was sitting on her. Why? because no one, I mean NO ONE who can just call me by the nickname my parents gave me "Okay Okay! I won't do it again!" she says "Promise?" I ask her "Promise!" she says

I got off her then she panted "Gurl, I never thought I would one day see you be this... filled with weight" she says trying to figure out a way to rephrase what she said nicely "Really funny Chloe, REALLY funny" I tell her sarcastically.

"Your nickname is cute though!!" Mitch says "Don't say it!" I tell him "Why not smelly melly?" he tells me "Ok fine, I won't even bother talking to you anymore" I tell him "NUUUUUUU!!!" He screams running to hug me

He caught me, why'd I had to fall for an athletic person? "Sorry" he says snuggling his face on my neck "Okay okay, stop it" I tell him giggling and trying to break free "Kiss my cheek please?" he says "fine" I tell him and kiss his cheek.

Oh Mitch

🌽After Class🌽

I went to my locker and grabbed the books I needed to study and placed back the books I don't need, then I saw a piece of paper in it. What could this be?

Dear Melissa,
This is Leah. I need to speak to you.... And tell you truthful things. Please go alone, it's my fav place to think. Come to my house at 6:00 and please be there

Oh gosh, I what could this mean?


I'm so sorry for not updating for the longest of time!!!!! Oh how I hate Highschool Drama, but hey, we've gone through that even if we aren't highschool yet or we've graduated already

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!!

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