Chapter 28: Something Heard

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Melissa's POV:

As I walked around school (Since it was the end of class) I heard someone... someone on the phone "Just make sure you will hurt her and break her heart. Ok our little rodent you better do this" the person said

I looked closely an saw Chealsy and Brianna "Do you think we're gonna get her good?" Brianna says "Definitely, she's gonna feel so horrible in the end. Plus 'Rodent' is already working on it remember?" Chealsy said "You're right" Brianna said

I quickly ran off leaving no trace around and not making a sound. I wonder who the "Rodent" could be? And who their target could be? much worse is that we don't know what their planning to do to this person

I went to the near by park and sat on one of the benches there "You alright?" I heard someone say. I looked up to see Chloe "Hey Chloe, yeah I am" I lied to her. I feel horrible now "I'm not buying that Mel" she says crossing her arms looking at me seriously

"It just... I heard Brianna and Chealsy plan on hurting someone and that their so called "Rodent" of theirs is already on the move" I tell her "Don't worry about them, the rodent or the victim. I know it's hard but we shouldn't poke around, if we catch the victim hurt let's help but for now let focus on other stuff okay?" she say smiling

"Okay, wanna go to the ice cream shop?" I ask her "Oh Yeah!! you read my mind!!" she says. I got up and walked with Chloe to the ice cream shop


Hey there! sorry for the short chapter. So, who could be the target of the Pop Girls top girls? weird how I said that but really who? and who is this so called "Rodent"? Keep reading and find out ;) the reason why it's short is because it's time we have a little "Game"

As I write down the chapters, you will start finding out who the rodent is and who the victim is. The clues could be in the chapter title it self or maybe it could be while you're reading.

Good luck!!

See you in the next chapter!!!!!!!!

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