Chapter 7: Oh my!

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Melissa's POV:

I walked to the lunch table and I saw Chloe and Brice sitting on our usual table. I went their with my lunch and Chloe still looked depressed and Brice was comforting her while eating, typical Brice "Hey guys" I say "Sup!" Brice says "Hi" Chloe says. I really hope she will be fine "Have you heard about the new kid?" Brice asks "Yeah, probably first to be told by Chloe" I say

I sit down, eat and comfort Chloe. She just kept silent, I know by heart she didn't want to see him. Moments later Mitch came to the table with someone... A guy, wait! The New Guy!!!

I looked at Chloe who was scared and pained to see him. "Aye every one!! This is Felix Martin, the new guy. He's gonna be with our team now" Mitch said getting all excited. Brice and I just stared at him and Mitch

"Uh, hey guys! I only know two...of you but I hope we can get along, even if some of our pasts" Felix said

Mitch sat beside me, like usual and Brice moved next to Mitch leaving Felix and Chloe to sit beside each other "We have to let them fix their past" Brice whispered. Mitch and Brice planned that Felix would be with us all this time, we watched Chloe and Felix and all they did was eat

"Um, hey Chloe. Long time no see" Felix started "Yeah... it has" Chloe said "I am.... I... I'm so sorry, for leaving you behind all this time. You're my best friend, I should've been here, for and with you" Felix said "It's ok, just don't do it again I guess?" Chloe said "Ok, but can we meet after class?" Felix said "umm....Sure" Chloe said

They should really be a thing!! I tell my self, I looked up at Mitch and he quickly looked away and started blushing a bit. Was he starring at me all this time? Wait! Didn't he have something to tell me? Oh well, secretly crushing on him is hard.


BOOM! updated again for the second time!!

For the first time in forever-
Anna! not now please? Go to Elsa and sing it with her.

Oh ok*Leaves the room*

Random but moving on! I love updating now that I'm using my phone for it. Hopefully, I'll be able to update faster now.

See you on the next chapter!!!!!!!

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