Chapter 31: Blame Game

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Melissa's POV:

"And THAT is how you burn the haters!" Kristen said. Its already the end of class and the whole team was at the cafeteria. Mitch is beside me sitting next to Brice then Chamile while on my other side I have Chloe sitting next to Felix who was sitting next to Kristen. Confusing right?

"Baby, can we take a selfie?" Mitch asks me "Ummm ok? But I warn you, I'm ugly" I tell him "To me? you where never ugly in my eyes" he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We both smiled as he took the pic

"Awww! we are too cute!!" he says "Hahaha! maybe we are but, we wouldn't be this if it weren't for the handsome guy who fell for the nerd" I tell him.

He laughed a little and wrapped both his arms on me, resting his chin on my head "Don't ever think of yourself and us in a bad way will you? you're ruining my special moments with you he says slowly letting me go from his grip "Well, maybe not in front of you" I tell him, he just rolled his eyes at me. Oh Mitchy!

"Hey! Imma go home early, bye bye!" I say getting up "Bye Baby!" Mitch says hugging me and kissing my cheek "See yah tomorrow!" Chloe said. I went off, I came to the school gates and Leah saw me

"You going home early?" she asks "yeah" I tell her "I'll go with you" she says "Mkay" I tell her. As we walked, we saw the pop girls. By accident, Leah bumped in to Chealsy making her drink spill on her "Ugghhh!! who did that!?!" she screams

"Um, she did!!" Leah said pointing at me "Wait, what?!" I told her "You!! you took Mitch away from me and Brianna and now you spill my drink on me by bumping me?" Chealsy says "Woah, Leah bumped you" I told her

"Oh really Miss I will lie to save my self?" She says then comes near me. Leah runs off leaving me alone with the pop girls "Looks like you're all alone now" Brianna cuts in "C'mon girls, let's show her what we are" Chealsy says

I get slapped 3 times by each of them. Why won't I fight back? because, if I do, the blame is on me "Haha! look at her, too bad Mitch wasn't here to save you" Chealsy said. They soon left an I was on the ground holding my cheek

Why would this HAVE to happen to me? Why would Leah do this? how could she blame me?


Hey There! I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday. Actual Performances are harsh in the behind. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

See you on the next one!!!!!!!!!!!

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