Chapter 15: A Nother Friend

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Melissa's POV:

It was the end of class and I was about to go home when a student called me from behind. I turned around and saw her, she was a new student "Oh, hi. How did you know my name?" I asked her "I have heard about you, mind if you stay for a while?" she asks "How come? I ask her"

"There is something up with the pop girls" she says "And they want to hurt you. I found out their plan! they want to tear Mitch and you a part and remove you from school and loose all your friends!" She says. Poop just got real "Oh my!! umm what's your recess time?" I ask her "I checked your schedule, trust me I'm a hacker, and we have the same one" she says

"Can we just talk then? mom is gonna get mad at me" I ask her "That's fine with me!" she said "Wait! what's your name?" I ask her "I'm Leah, Leah Stone" she says "Ok Leah, I'll see you tomorrow at the near by cafe?" I ask her "sure" she says with a smile before I walked away.

It's not that I didn't care about it, it's just with all these things happening to me and Mitch, Bad teachers and from what I just herd from her I just needed a break and read some books from wattpad like "Officially Mine"!

Just a break... just a little break at least.

📣The Next Day📣

As I was walking to school like always, Mitch caught up to me "Hi Baby!" he says "Baby?" I ask him blushing "Well, to me you are TOO precious and TOO important and I can't afford to see you cry so yeah. You're MY baby now!!" he says all happy and exited. We laughed and giggled until the school gate, now you see why I fell for him? No? Ok then.

Walking through the halls just made my heart shiver in fear, why? because Leah told me that the so called pop girls can ruin my friendship, relationship and scholarship here in school!! And I kept saying ship for some reason.

Just as I was talking, I saw the pop girls "Oh hi Mitchy Poo!!" Chealsy says "Uh do I know you? or are you lost? cause the strip club is not in this way" Mitch said. I held back my giggles, it's easier to say it than trying to hide it "So you forgot the hottest and sexiest girls in the school? oh poor baby! her ugliness must have ruined his eye site!" Chealsy said, ouch. no need to repeat the truth

"More like you showing too much skin and always wearing massive amounts of make up to TRY to hide that ugly face of yours just ruined it. The only one I see now is my girlfriend, so walk off or I'll call the nerds to flirt and hug you" Mitch said infuriated by her. She just shot her eyes wide and walked away with her group while, once again, shaking their butts.

"Come on baby, let's just get you too your class ok?" He says still pissed "Ok, but Mitch, don't mind them. They are just telling the truth about me, no big deal" I tell him. I was already used to those insults "No, they must have just rolled their eyes too much and made their eye sight I nuts" Mitch said lighting up, we both laughed.

We made it to my class room "Bye Mitch" I said "By baby, and what you said a few moments a go wasn't true. They where probably just jelly cause I didn't pick them, I mean who would pick them?" he said "Idiots" I say. We Giggled again. Before he left, he kissed my cheek "I" he kisses my other cheek "Love" and then he kisses my forehead "You" he Says and walks away.

I watched him walk away, oh how I love him!! let's just say, I shouldn't forget about Me and Leah's meet up. Oh well, jumping up and down for Mitch will have to wait.


Update Update!!! yay!! I updated!! I hope this tickled all of your taste buds for this. See you in the next chapter!!

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