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Ashton's POV

"Lift with your knees." I say out of breath as Kat and I carry her bed frame around her room.

"It's fine right here." Kat says putting her side down, I put my side down and place my hands on my hips. I used my extra bandana to wipe the sweat off my face.

"Let's just put the mattress in here and then we'll be done." Kat says scratching her head then looking at me.

"Alright." I sigh and walk out into the hallway to grab one end, Kat getting the other.

"1,2,3 lift." I huff and lift it, Kat following suit. We walk back into her room, turning in different positions to put the bed in correctly.

"Alright." Kat says signaling to put the mattress down. We place it in the frame and Kat exhales loudly.

"I'm so tired." She groans into her mattress. I bite my lip to stifle a laugh and a smile, from where she was she gave me the perfect view of her new toned and lifted bum, along with her tight calves and hour glass figure.

"Want lunch?" Kat asks moving her head to see me and I quickly avert my eyes from her body to her face. "Sure." Kat nods and walks out the room, me following suit.

"Do you want to drive or do you want me?" Kat asks grabbing her phone from the kitchen counter.

"I'll drive." I shrug. She nods and we make our way to the door, outside and to my car.

"What do you have a taste for?" I ask as I start the car. I look at her from the passenger seat but then back out the window.

"Doesn't matter." She shrugs and I hum in response.

"What about McDonalds?" I ask as soon as I see the Golden Arches. I look to Kat and she shrugs at me. "Sure."

I nod and we continue to sit in a comfortable, tired silence. I quickly park the car, both Kat and I jumping out the second the cars off.

We don't say anything as we walk in the empty McDonalds, our stomachs speaking for us.

"Hello welcome to McDonald's, what can I get you?" A young boy asks us and I turn to Kat, her eyes scanning the menu.

"I'll have a chicken wrap." She speaks to the boy. "With fries, medium. And a water." She then turns to me, waiting for me to order.

"I'll uh just have a number 1, meal." I say shrugging and the boy nods, typing in the cash register. I grab my wallet from my back pocket but Kat stops me, her hand already holding her card.

"I can pay." I whine but Kat shakes her head at me as she types in her pin. "Consider this a thank you for the help with moving and such." She says turning to me and shrugging and I nod.

"Well, your welcome." I smile at her. She really was beautiful. Even now, with a oversized t-shirt, hanging loosely over her shoulder, exposing her blue sports bra. Her hair in a messy ponytail under a old baseball cap, she looked so authentic. So real. So, beautiful.

"Stop staring and get the tray would you?" Kat says nudging me with her elbow and begins to walk to a booth by the window. I quickly grab the tray and follow her. I felt whipped.

But happily so, I feel like I would do anything for this girl. She made me happy. Mad. Confused. I can only hope I had that much of an affect on her that she has on me.

"So..." Kat says looking up at me then looking at the fries infront of her, tossing one into her mouth.

"I would ask you how it feels to be living on your own but tonight will be your first night.." I chuckle and open my Big Mac box.

"Yeah... I'll let you know tomorrow." She giggles and winks at me, I smile at the cute gesture.

I bite down on my lip to suppress the grin that wants to rise onto my lips, Kat did something to me. But, I think I did something to her.

When I first met her, she would have never giggled infront of me or winked or even hung out with me as much as she does, and I'd like to think she's just gotten use to me, comfortable with me. And I'm thankful.

"Would you stop staring at me like that, jeez Ash." Kat says shaking her head at me, a small shy smile on her face.

"Staring at you like what?" I ask and watch as she bites her bottom lip. She wipes her hands on her thighs and lifts her head to look at me.

"Like I'm something worth looking at." I instantly lean back at the tone of her voice. She is worth looking at. Way worth it. I hate that she doesn't see herself the way she should, they way I see her.

"But you are." I argue, I wasn't going to let her think any less of herself. Not now, not ever.

"Let's just eat." She shakes her head and begins to eat her food. I watch her for a few seconds but then decide to eat my food as well considering it was already a little cold.


"Well thanks for the help and stuff..." Kat says putting a hand on the car door handle. She seemed eager to end the night while I wanted it to last longer.

"No problem, you should throw a house warming party except it'll be an apartment warming party." I say chuckling at my lame try of a joke.

"Or we could just have beers and watch movies?" She says shrugging and I nod. "That too."

She giggles but then stops and sighs. "Well I should get inside... See you later."

"Yeah," I nod and watch as she steps out the car. "T-There's a secret sale tomorrow at American Apparel... Um and we got some new inventory, so yeah." I say shrugging. I probably sounded desperate.

"I've heard, I get emails." She smiles at me, shaking her phone in her hand. Of course. "Y-Yeah, I knew that." I say shaking my head, putting a hand on the steering to try and not look like a little bitch.

"Goodnight, Ash." Kat chuckles lightly, crawling onto the passenger seat and placing a soft kiss on my cheek then scrambling out the car.

"Goodnight." I say breathlessly as she closes the door and walks into her building.

Fucking Kat and her unconscious ways of handling me.

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