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When Ashton left, I took the opportunity of walking out to grab something to eat. Although half of me felt like I couldn't stomach anything, I had to eat.

I opened the refrigerator, scanning for something that would catch my eye. Sadly there wasn't anything, so the only thing I could do was go out and get something.

I go back to my room, grabbing my phone and wallet, I make my way out Ashton's apartment.

I walk past my car, looking through the passenger window I see it's filled with the rest of my stuff that both Ashton and I got after I talked to my landlord.

With a sigh, I begin walking towards Burger King. That was the only thing walking distance from Ashton's apartment. But I didn't mind because I liked it, plus, I won't be here long..

I remember loving to walk alone at night, half wanting something bad to me just to see how life goes but after the incident with the burglars... I wasn't too keen on it.

And Ashton, he makes me feel safe and I hate that my safety spends on him but, he's just that type of person. Anyone would feel safe with him.

I open the door to the Burger King, scanning the empty room and walking up to the cash register.

"Welcome to Burger King, how may I help you?" A cheery boy says, probably around 17 years old...

"Hi, yeah can I get a whopper jr, meal... To go." I say, grabbing my card from my wallet.

"Alright, $5.67." He says smiling at me. His smile is creepy. I quickly swipe my card, pushing in the needed digits.

"It'll be out soon." He says giving me a tight smile and I nod. I move over to the side and wait for my bag all while the man that seems to show up everywhere, comes up to the register, acknowledging me completely.

"Kat! So weird seeing you here so late. What's up." James says smiling at me, I give him a polite smile before looking at the receipt in my hands.

"Um, well I was hungry so... I came here." I say kind of blandly.

"Course, course. Where's the boyfriend?" He asks, where is the cashier? Doesn't he have to take his order?

"Out." I say just as the cashier comes out with my bag. "Thanks." I muttered before starting to walk away.

"Bye!" James calls after me, I turn and give him a small nod before exiting. This was too small of a town, I use to always run into Ashton and now it's this James guy? My luck.


I munched on the few fries I had left, curled in a ball on Ashton's couch, watching reruns of The Jersey Shore, they always made me laugh.

I wiped my salty fingers on my plaid pajama bottoms, my top being just a old black tank top.

I grabbed my cup from the coffee table, taking a sip. I hear the jungle of keys come from the door and I instantly think of running into my room and pretending I'm asleep. But there's not enough time because Ashton walks in briskly, Maxie jumps off the couch and sniffs his feet.

He smiles down at her and then looks up to see me on the couch, an empty Burger King bag on the coffee table.

"Hey, what are you doing up still?" He asks walking over to me. He sits down, close to me on the couch, he smells like beer and cigarettes. I didn't know he smoked.

"It's only midnight." I say and can't help but ask. "You smoke cigarettes?"

He chuckles, smelling his arm, he shakes his head. "I dropped Luke off at home and he was smoking in the car."

My mouth makes an 'o' shape, my head nodding at him. He smiles at me, somewhat shy. He throws his arm over my shoulder, pulling me gently into him.

"I missed you." He whispers as if someone would hear us. "You were only gone for a few hou-"

"This week, I've missed you. Your being so distant from me, why?" I bite my lip, I couldn't tell him. But what do I say?

"Sorry - I just been thinking a lot.." I say staring at my fingers.

"About what?" He asks and I internally groan, why did he have to ask? Now I had to come up with something. I bite my lip, trying to come up with something on the spot.

"Uh... Well my mother called me, she wants me to visit her." I say, definitely not meeting his eyes.

His hand goes to my back, rubbing it soothingly. "That's good, are you going to see her?"

I shake my head instantly and he chuckles quietly, squeezing my hip softly in an unconscious matter.

"Why not? She probably wants to talk to you... I can always go with you for moral support." He says smiling at me, I give him a forced grin. "Dandy." I mutter.

He chuckles and pecks my nose, "I doubt it'll be that bad." He says and I turn back to the TV, hiding that I was in fact rolling my eyes.

"Yeah." Oh Ashton, you have no idea how bad it is and I'm not talking about meeting my mother.

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