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Ashton's POV

It's been two days and Kat is holding up surprisingly. I would think she would have left my house and stayed at a hotel or something just to not see me, I feel bad for thinking she would do such a thing.

Although I still notice the uncomfortableness behind her eyes, I also notice her trying.

She is beginning to sit closer to me on my couch, allowing my hand to lay somewhere innocently on her body. She also doesn't flinch away when I kiss her cheek. Although, she is still hesitant when I go for her lips, the real prize I'm hoping for.

All this really just makes my affection for her grow immensely. She's trying so hard not just for me but for herself and I hope she begins to be more comfortable with me, soon.

"Ashton." Kat says knocking her knuckles on my slightly ajar bedroom door. I instantly turn to her, giving her my undivided attention.


"Um... Frankie and Lewis are having drinks at Hooch and erm they uh.... Frankie wants to see you again." She stutters, her cheeks beet red.

I bite my lip, trying to hide the smile growing on my ace do to her shyness.

"Course I'll go with you. I would love to accompany my girl, when are we leaving?" I say cheerily as I jump out my bed and look at her waiting for her to respond.

"20." She says and gives me a small nod before closing the door. I chuckle quietly and walk into my closet, grabbing black jeans and a red and black flannel, along with my thin black leather jacket.

I quickly throw the garments on, spraying my cologne and grabbing my phone. I slip it in my pocket and walk out my room, I see Maxie sitting by the door of Kat's and I know she's in there changing.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a sprite, taking a sip, I lean against the counter waiting for Kat to come out.

I take my phone out my pocket and mindlessly look through it, double tapping on my friends pictures and such.

"Ready to go?" Kat's voice brings my attention to her and I literally feel my eyes bulge out a little as they widen.

Kat stands infront of me wearing a black and white dress, jean jacket thrown over to hide her exposed shoulders, a large black hat on her head and on her feet are black heel-boot things.

They do her legs justice though, or they don't. She's showing just the right amount of leg that literally has me watering at the mouth and the bit of heel just makes her calf pop just enough to make you stare.

It's not everyday you see Kat in a dress so I'm shocked but definitely thankful and pleased that she's mine and I can look at her how I am right now.

"Let me change real quic-"

"No," I answer quickly. "Your beautiful, I like it. Let's go." I motion for her to follow me to the door.

She sighs and follows me, her eyes latched onto the floor.

"You do look really good." I compliment her as we walk to my car. She blushes and gives me a tight smile.

"Uh thanks." I smile at her and peck her cheek before opening the passenger side door. She bites down on her lip shyly and gets in.

Tonight was going to be good.


Short chapter! Sorry! The next chapter will come tomorrow hopefully! I'm a bit tired and just wanted to give yous something! This scene will also continue in the next chapter. :) let me know what you guys think? Am I rushing it too much? Am I going to slow? More drama? Less? I want to make this book as enjoyable as possible for you guys!

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