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The sun was beaming beautifully over Ashton and I, who was currently eating some chips from the cooler.

I, on the other hand, was laying on one of our chairs. I mean, I doubt I'd tan but it was worth a shot.

"Want a beer?" Ashton asks as he grabs one for himself, I nod and turn to him, watching as he grabs another one.

He cracks it open, passing it to me. "Thank you." I say as I tip my head back letting the cold bitter liquid slide down my slightly parched throat.

I continued to stare at the water, the children playing around, just everything basically, enjoying the day. That is, until I hear a camera shutter go off along with a whispered 'fuck'. I turn to Ashton confused and I can't tell if he's blushing or if his cheeks are starting to get burnt.

"I was - taking a selfie..." He holds his phone and I nod slowly not believing what he was telling me.

"I'm sure you were." I say with a small smirk on my face. He chuckles and nods, walks to sit in his empty chair next to me. "We should take a selfie though, you know just because.." Ashton says smiling at me, I roll my eyes at him but nod.

I don't think we had pictures of us together. I knew we secretly had pictures of each other, well I did. I knew when I saw Ashton looking adorable or just in the moment I'd snap a picture of him and since I caught him in the act less then a minute ago, I'm sure he does too.

Ashton holds his arm out, leaning back towards me. I lean a bit forward, my chin somewhat on his shoulder.

I smile just as Ashton says to. That's one selfie.

Ashton than sticks his tongue out so I quickly do the same. That's two.

Ashton does the peace sign, so of course I do too. That's three.

On the fourth selfie, Ashton turns to give my cheek a kiss. In the picture my eyebrows are slightly raised, you can't see my eyes due to my glasses but it's a lovely picture.

For the last selfie I decide to be daring and grab Ashton's chin and attaching my lips to his.

I can hear him pressing the button more than once and I chuckle into the kiss, our lips still connected.

I pull away and Ashton instantly puts his phone down. "That should suffice, hm?" I chuckle and Ashton nods.

"For now."


It was still midday, the sun still hot on our skin. Ashton's nose was definitely a bit burnt but he said he didn't care. But mine was too, from the apples of my cheeks and across my nose. I didn't even have to look, I felt it.

Ashton and I probably had our sunglass outline too but we didn't really care.

"Wanna get in the water?" Ashton asks staring at the crashing waves. I shrug, Ashton stands up, helping me in the process.

We begin walking to the shore, Ashton's hand in mine.

The cool water hits our feet, instantly cooling us down. "Feels so good." Ashton says, pulling us further into the water.

Once we get to mid thigh level, I make Ashton stop walking.

"Come on. Let's go deeper." He urges me but I shake my head. He furrows his eyebrows, concern written on his beautiful features.

"Are you scared?" He asks, bringing his hand to my waist.

"N-No it's just.... I haven't been to the beach in a while and I'm nervous." I let out a breathy chuckle. Ashton smiles at me, engulfing me in his arms.

"Don't worry babe, I got you." He pecks my lips and I nod. He did.

We continue to walk in the ocean, the waves crashing against us. "Let's just dive under." Ashton says and I sigh.

"But it's salt water." I groan, just remembering it's a pain in the ass when it goes in your eyes and mouth.

"And?" Ashton chuckles and grabs my waist.

"Don't you dare." I point a finger as Ashton grips my waist a little tighter.

"Dare what?" He says hugging me from behind. I knew what he was going to do, this fucker.

"Don't throw me under." I chuckle and Ashton nods. "I won't." He reaches to peck my cheek.

"I'll throw both of us under!" He shouts, throwing both of us backwards into the water.

I close my eyes, salt already seeped into my mouth.

I kicked at the sand floor, shooting up to get air. Ashton comes up seconds later. He chuckles at me and I can't help but smile at him, I brush my finger through my wet hair, pushing it back and out my face.

Ashton's hair lays flat on his head, that's til he shakes his head like a dog, showcasing the slightly curly hair he had.

"Let's go back to the car, poor Maxie's by herself." I say remembering we brought her. Ashton nods and begins trying to run through the water although it's always harder.

"I'll race ya!" Ashton shouts, I chuckle and begin running although it's even more tiring since the water is rough against us.

Eventually we both get on land, Maxie barking as she begin to see us.

"You look tan as hell." Ashton chuckles wiping his face with a towel. I look down at my body, I did seem a bit darker.

I pull the side of my bikini down, exposing my hip bone. Holy shit.

"Damn babe, your tanner than me." Ashton chuckles and I roll my eyes at him.

I grab the edge of his swim trunks and pull down the hip alittle. "Woah, someone's in the mood." Ashton jokes although he knows I was only checking if he tanned.

I chuckle, rolling my eyes at his immaturity. "You got pretty dark too." I say and grab the towel on my chair.

Ashton and I sit on our beach chairs, drying off. Today was so nice. Just us. The ocean. The sun. Maxie. It was so calm so peaceful.

But something's telling me this won't be good.


I didn't know how to end the chapter! I love writing cute stuff! Gaw! Imm jealous of them. Hope you guys are enjoying these cute chapters because shits about to go down! ;-)


The chapter before this one has a picture of Ashton and Kat kissing, except picture Kat with black hair not blonde ;-)

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