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Ashton's POV

I chuckled as Luke and Calum were yelling at the screen of the television, a controller in each their hands.

"Fucking - shit." Luke mutters under his breath, he always took the game so seriously.

I then turn to Michael and Kat, who are looking at something on Michael's phone. I peak over Kat's shoulder, her face turning to me.

I smile at her, pecking the side of her mouth. She instantly blushes, turning back to Michael.

"Thats my trainer - Anthony, he's good. It depends if you really want to workout, he puts you through hell so..." Kat says to Michael, Michaels phone shows the web page for Kat's gym, a picture and mini description of her trainer.

"I want to start working out I just have no motivation..." Michael says and I chuckle at him.

"Your working out? I'd pay top dollar to see you lift a damn finger." He rolls his eyes at me, turning to his phone, he continues to scroll through the page.

"Start writing me a check then because I'm going to start going to the gym with your girlfriend." He says matter of factly.

"What?" Kat and I say in unison, she looks at me then turns back to Michael, her face red.

"Uh... Just since your starting out, once your good you can go on your own time..." She says mumbling, I furrow my eyebrows at her, Michael does too.

"What's the problems?" I ask and Michael nods. "Yeah,"

"It's just... That's like my sanctuary.. My home away from home... The only place I have to breathe...." She says and the mood definitely drifted from fun and energetic to heart wrenching.

"Oh okay, that's fine. I'll just give Anthony a call and schedule something..."

"Are you sure? You can come with me." She says, I can tell she feels bad for telling him no. She was just like that, a sweet nice person.

"No really it's cool, I'd hate to ruin something for you. Don't worry, I'm not upset.." He chuckles, placing a hand on her knee.

She nods and abruptly stands up, "I should uh... Start dinner." She says before walking out.

I stare at where she was once standing two seconds ago, she always confused me but she always had her own logic. I was starting to get the hang of it, slowly but surely.

"Is she okay?" Michael asks confused, he didn't know her. "Yeah, sorry she's just a... Really good person." I say sighing, I didn't know how to explain her when I was barely comprehending her myself.

"Wheres Kat?" Calum says turning around to Michael and I. "Cooking."

"Sweet, now we can talk." He chuckles mischievous edging closer to Michael and I, Luke follows him.

I roll my eyes at their girlish behavior.

"She's fit." Luke says winking at me and I raise a brow at him. "And?"

"That's good, I'm just complimenting your bird." He says rolling his eyes playfully at me.

"She's extremely nice... Funny too, earlier she told me a joke about pronouns... Of course it was random and I can tell she didn't know what to say but still, she's cool." Calum says and I instantly smile at what he says. She used my joke, the joke I told her awhile ago, the one she said wasn't funny.

"Well I'm glad you guys like her - would hate for you guys to hate one of the few people I really care for." I smile at them and they all make 'aw' noises.

I roll my eyes at them again, "On a kind of serious note... Do you like... Before I finish my sentence know that I'm not being rude, I like you guys together it's just.... Why is she so distant from you.. Like she doesn't reciprocate your actions... Is everything okay?" Michael asks and I furrow my eyebrows, this is the longest Michael has ever been well... The complete opposite of him right now.

I scratch the back of my neck, unsure of how to answer that. To be honest I didn't think any of them would catch the subtleties. They never really bothered me but since Michael is pointing them out I suddenly feel like I'm doing something wrong..

"She uh... I don't know, it's hard to explain. She's new to everything; affection, having someone care for her... She's also pretty shy, she doesn't like eye contact."

"I noticed that, she just stares at her hands..." Luke agrees and I nod.

"She just... She's adjusting to me, us." I say and they all nod at me, I can't help but feel like I'm pressuring her into this relationship... No, that's can't be. She agreed anyways... I don't know.

"Do you love her?" Calum asks smirking at me. "Last time I saw you, you were moping on this couch waiting for her text."

I roll my eyes, playfully but forcefully punching his shoulder.

"I don't know... I think I do but then I rethink about everything, her, just stuff in general and then I think, yeah this isn't love." I say speaking my thoughts.

"Interesting." Luke says and I nod.

We all hear her footsteps nearing the living room so Luke and Calum jump back to their original spots, unpausing the game. Michael's eyes shoot down to his phone and I stay siting, watching the boys play on the television infront of me.

" Um... You guys can start getting ready to come eat..." She says and I smile at her, she instantly looks down at her feet then walks back into the kitchen.

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