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I watched as Ashton walked out of the dining room, his muscles flexing in his arms as they swung back and forth a little.

I quickly shook rid of those thoughts and brought my attention back to the two women infront of me.

One of which was my mother the other was a lady I had no recollection of.

"Okay - he left.. What's going on?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed, my arms crossed on the table.

My mother looks at me then to the lady next to her. The room is silent and it's eating at me. They make it seem like some big secret when it's probably just her friend wondering if she can have my childhood room for her or something. This was ridiculous.

"Nothing?! What the hell? You expect me to listen but your not even saying anything!" I say angered.

The lady's eyes and my mothers bulge a little at my little blow up. It instantly reminds me of when I use to snap at Ashton.

"Sorry," I mutter shaking my head. "Seriously though, what is it?" I ask, no, plead. I wasn't mentally ready to see my mom today, or ever, and she's giving me anxiety just staring at me like the sinister woman she is.

"I'll do it," The lady mutters to my mom, I furrow my eyebrows but turn my attention to the lady.

"Let me just start off by saying that none of this is easy. Or the choice 22 years ago or anything. Oh - and my name is Meredith." Meredith says nervously, I can feel excessive sweat form in my palms, my right leg bouncing under the table.

"Okay..." I say still confused. Meredith gulps, glancing at my mother then back to me.

"Back in the day, I knew your father... I dated him." Meredith says and I nod my head slowly.

"We even had an apartment together... But your father and I didn't have as much money as we needed, so I became an exotic dancer for extra cash.."

"Stripper." My mother cuts off harshly, her hard gaze falling on Meredith and I.

Meredith looks at her hands, nodding. "Yeah, but your father didn't like that because at the time..." Meredith says raising her head to look at me. Her brown eyes stare with such intensity, I instantly look down at my hands.

"I was pregnant. He didn't want me doing such an act so I stopped,"

"I have a step sibling? Half sibling? Is that what you guys are saying?" I cut her off, confused.

"N-No, eventually I gave birth to a... beautiful baby girl... But then your father and I started fighting a lot after that about bills and money a-and he left me, took our child too."

Meredith wipes under her eyes, she looks up at the ceiling, letting out a breath, she looks back at me.

"I-I'm confused, what does this have to do with me?" I say worriedly. Nothing can end well with this story if they came to tell me this.

"He went back to his exgirlfriend - also known as your mom." Meredith says looking at my mother, urging her to continue.

I look at my mom expectantly, she sits up straighter in her chair, clearing her throat. "Your the 'baby girl'."

I furrowed my eyebrows at the two women infront of me. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, you, your her daughter." My mother says pointing to Meredith.

I furrow my eyebrows, shaking my head. "N-No, your my mother."

I stand up, my vision clouded with tears. "So my life was based on lies? My mother was never my real mother?" I say shaking my head. I was confused, hurt and scared.

"Oh - so that's why you never gave a shit with how you treated or spoke to me! It all makes sense now." I say dryly chuckling at who I thought was my mother my whole life.

"Wait - so is my brother even my brother? Do I have any other siblings? Any other parents of mine? Did my dad really die?" I ask to no one in particular. Meredith is the first to stand up.

"Kat - calm down."

"Calm down? You expect me to just take this news like its shits and giggles? Why didn't you come into my life sooner? Why didn't you fight for me when my dad took me to her." I ask with tears in my eyes, half of them on my cheeks.

"Your dad - he was mad at me he didn't let me near you." Meredith says with tears in her eyes as well.

"And you! You have the balls to keep this big of a secret from me! What's wrong with you!" I scream at the lady sitting before me that was my mother just a few minutes ago.

"Why would I tell you?! You were already up your fathers ass! Knowing who's your mother wouldn't matter!" She screams standing up as well.

"It does matter! I've never been cared for by a mother figure ever since dad died! I have no women role models! I thought my whole life I was a failure of a daughter - because of you!" I scream, tears falling relentlessly down my cheeks.

I watch as both women stare at me, tears are in Meredith's but none have fallen from my childhood mother.

"You guys can see your way out." I mutter, pushing passed both of them as I walk out the dining room, passed Ashton's worried stare in the living room and into my room, locking the door behind me.


Well... Then.

Happy reading! Xx

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