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I called off work for 3 days, that's the compromise Ashton and I made.

I rested for a full 3 days then I can slowly get back into my normal life. Hopefully, if Ashton didn't babysit me as much.

I somewhat enjoyed him 'babysitting' me. If felt like someone actually cared, like I could depend on him. And it's a good feeling, slightly unsettling for me personally but nonetheless I didn't mind it.

"Come here girl!" I said in my 'talking to dogs' voice. Maxie, who I've grown very fond of jumps onto my lap and begins to smile in her doggy way, you know, tongue out while her mouths' open.

I smile at the medium sized dog, she nudges her head into my stomach and I bite my lip to stop myself from groaning. She didn't know I had fractured ribs.

"Maxie! Off!" Ashton's voice shouts as he walks into the living room, making Maxie jump off my lap and under his couch in fright.

"Ashton, she's a dog." I roll my eyes and stand up, groaning as quietly as possible so Ashton doesn't worry.

"Still, she was causing you pain." He explains sitting in the couch and I follow his actions. The floor wasn't that comfortable.

"Not that much." I say as I sigh and close my eyes, laying my head back.

"Have you taken your medicine?" Ashton asks scooting closer to me, his voice full of worry.

I open my eyes and sure enough his face was a few inches from mine. "N-No." I stutter, our proximity making me flustered.

"Why not, you need to." He says, his eyebrows furrowing downward.

"Why are you doing this? Letting me stay, staying at the hospital? All of this?" I finally voice my thoughts and Ashton looks at his hands, his teeth biting into his lip.

"You remember when I told you if we wait our whole lives for the perfect moment we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives?" He says his voice quiet and calm.

Of course I remember him saying that, that's when he came back to my door, knocking the wind out of me as he kissed me. That kiss. Wow.

"Y-yeah..?" I answer, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Well, I'm not waiting my whole life for me to finally be happy,"

"You aren't happy?" I interrupt him.

"I wasn't fully... Till I met you." He says turning to me, his eyes holding an intensity that makes me instantly look away.

"Ashton." I say breathlessly, what was he saying. What was I going to say?

"I like you Kat... And I just worry about you and I care for you. I'm so sorry if I seem I'm too overboard but I can't help it, you just seem so.. Fragile in a way, I don't know." Ashton says nervously and for once, I crack a smile at the kid, his jitters making me a bit confident.

"What do girls usually say when they hear this.." I mumble looking at Ashton, he chuckles and turns to me. His eyes shooting down to my lips.

He leans in first, I stay frozen, closing my eyes as I feel his breath on my mouth. "You can start off with this." He mumbles before connecting our lips together.

I don't kiss back for a few seconds, that makes Ashton pull away slightly. "Kat?" He whispers, just then did my mind and body connected and then I realized Ashton Irwin liked me back.

I put my hands on his face and pull his head back to mine, his nose judging with mine.

Ashton smiles into the kiss, his hands going to my waist. Our lips lap one another, our bodies moving lower on the couch.

Ashton's hands stay on my hips, his fingers under my shirt, rubbing his fingers on my bare skin. His chest lays on my chest.

I groan, making Ashton instantly detach from me. "Shit, sorry." Ashton says lifting himself off me, he had weighed down on my stomach, my ribs aching.

"No, it's fine." I wince and sit up straight. I can feel the heat radiate off my cheeks.

Ashton gives me a small smile and stands up, "We never got to go to the movies.."

I chuckle at him, somewhat confused as to where he was going with it. "So let's go, let's just make this clear. This time, I'm asking you. Boys asks girl. Got it?" Ashton asks winking at me, I chuckle and nod, standing up.

"Got it. Let me just wash up alittle." I say excusing myself to the bathroom.

I do a once over of my outfit, black leggings and a very baggy white tshirt with a black pocket. That was good enough.

I looked at my hair, a straight haired ponytail. Not bad. I quickly brushed my teeth again and washed my face.

I applied some mascara and foundation, see this is what Ashton did to me. He has me rushing to look decent, got me putting makeup on for a movie 'date'. It would be dark and he wouldn't see me, what even was the point.

I chuckle to my thoughts and walk out the bathroom and to 'my' room, grabbing my white high top converse. I quickly put them on, grabbing my side bag and phone, I finally walk out to the living room.

"Um... Ready." I say as Ashton looks up at me, a smile on his face.

"Great, let's go." He says standing up and walking to the door, I follow behind him.

"Bye Maxie!" Ashton yells at the dog who just lays tiredly on her bed. She blinks and Ashton chuckles, opening the door and letting us out.


"I can't believe you want to watch this.. It's a chick flick, you don't seem like the type." Ashton says chewing a few kernels of popcorn in his mouth.

"Well... Believe it or not, I love love stories." I say quietly, turning to Ashton then back to the screen that was currently showing advertisements.

"Really?" Ashton asks, I can see from my peripherals that's he's turned completely facing me.

"Yeah, but all girls um like them." I say shaking my head, taking my slurpee I take a sip, glad the dim lighting prevents shaping Ashton my pink cheeks.

"Yeah but you like them. That's great." He beams and I shake my head.

"It really isn't." I say looking at him then looking at my hands. "And why is that?"

"False hope. High expectations. It's all fiction." I shrug and try to pay attention to the bright screen infront of me but I can't because the man next to me.

"Things in those movies can happen in real life." He reasons and I dryly chuckle. "Yeah the part where he or she cheats." I turn to Ashton and notice his smile is now a frown, damn it.

"I wouldn't cheat." He whispers and I gulp, looking intently at the screen. "Did you hear me?" Ashton says and I nod.

"Say it." He says again and I close my eyes, gulping and looking at Ashton.

"I heard you. I just don't know what to say, nor do I want to respond." Ashton lowers his eyes at me, reading my facial expression. I hope it wasn't showcasing anything I was feeling on the inside.

"You never know what to say, do you?"

"Of course I don't." I respond, turning in the chair, somewhat annoyed with him.

"Look, I came here with you to enjoy a movie with you and I honestly will walk out if we continue to have this conversation." I say surprised with my sudden abundance of coherent words and confidence.

Ashton stares at me intensely and I stare back, he wasn't going to win this. Not right now anyways.

"Fine, fine. Let's just enjoy tonight." He says exasperatedly and sinks in his chair. I bite my lip and nod, turning back to the screen.

That's another thing I hate, he makes me feel bad for him. Like right now, I feel like apologizing for speaking to him like that but I know I shouldn't.

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