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My phone wouldn't stop ringing - whether it was a call or text it was a from one person: Meredith.

Ashton knew it too. He would glance at me every time I declined the call. But he didn't say anything and quite frankly I was hoping he would. Believe it or not I like when he pesters me even though I tell him it's nothing - when he asks me stuff and tries to dig deeper it makes me feel like he genuinely cares.

I just hope this wasn't the Bethany situation all over again.

"Wanna have lunch with the gang?" Julie asks me as people exit the conference room. I look behind me to see Ashton on his phone then turn back to Julie.

"Uh - were good." I say with a polite smile. I really was glad this convention was over. Sure it was a great experience but half of it was going straight through my ears, I felt horrible for the company because I felt like they wasted a whole hotel room on me and I wasn't fully enjoying the trip.

"You sure? We're getting sushi." Nathan says with pleading eyes. I feel a hand on my lower back and I know Ashton is now paying attention to the conversation.

"No-" I say just as Ashton agrees and of course I agree with him because that's how it's always been with him.

So we're off - walking out of the hotel in semi formal clothing walking down the street to the sushi bar - apparently it was the best sushi, or so that's what John says.

Katie and Julie babble on and on about girly things and I can't help but tune them out, my eyes laced on the pavement below my black boots.

"You okay?" Ashton says near my ear, his hand on my waist as we continue to walk down the side walk. I nod, looking at him to give him a reassuring smile.

He pecks my lips, giving my waist a light squeeze. "Less PDA - eh kids?" Nathan jokes as he holds the door for the group as we walk in. I only blush, my eyes glued to the new colored view on the ground.

"Table for - 6." Nathan says to the hostess and were quickly seated near the back - a window next to our booth.

The seating goes - Julie, John, Nathan on one side. Then Katie, Ashton and me on one side. I decided to take the aisle seat considering I really wanted to just go back to the hotel and hide under my sheets.

I don't know what was with me. I wanted nothing to do with society or people in general and I basically wanted to be a fly on the wall although I occasionally was.

A waiter came around to us eventually, sitting down our drinks. Everyone either ordered a beer or some girly martini - I just ordered water. I wasn't feeling anything with flavor tonight.

"Kat? Were you even paying attention to us?" Katie chuckles leaning over the table so she can see passed Ashton. I quickly look to the group - humor in all their eyes.

My face instantly heats up and I let out a breathy chuckle.

"Totally.." The girls laugh along with John but Ashton and Nathan watch me intently and I instantly feel uncomfortable.

"I uh I'm going to the bathroom." I say clearing my throat and standing up from the booth, not waiting for a response.

Once I'm in the smelly restraint bathroom, I let out a breath. I didn't understand why Nathan and Ashton were on my ass today. I mean - Ashton's my boyfriend so he's going to care for me in general but Nathan? He's my boss, he shouldn't be worrying about me.

I ruffled my hair as I walked passed the stalls - this was a rather large bathroom. Just as I'm close to the first stall at the end of the long row a blue metal stall door Rams into my face.

I instantly groan - holding my face in my hands as I hunch over in pain.

"I'm so sorry!" A girls voice says, seconds later I feel hands on my shoulders and get disgusted since she just came out the stall and touching me.

"It's fine." I mumble, lifting my head to catch a glimpse of the girl.

She had red hair, bright blue lipstick on her lips.

"I didn't mean to really! Are you okay? Woah! Your bleeding." She says grabbing my hand from my face and pulling it away. I instantly take a step away from her.

"I don't mean to be rude but you just came out the stall and your touching me..." Her mouth instantly falls into an 'O', her cheeks get a bit pink as well.

"I'm sorry - how gross of me." She shakes her head, going to wash her hands. I take the opportunity to look in the mirror. A slash going from my hair like to the middle of my eyebrows bleeds slightly and I groan, hanging my head low. I had the best luck.

"I'm sorry - do you need help cleaning it?" The girl asks again and I shake my head, giving her a tight smile.

"No it's fine, honestly. I got it." I say and she nods, staring at me for a few seconds before walking out.

I let out another breath and grab paper towels, wiping the blood that shed. Just as I threw them away my phone began ringing and I knew who it was - Meredith.

"Look - I haven't answered all day and you continue to ring me countless of times can't you take a hint? I'm sorry to say this but it was pointless for you to even try to come into my life so suddenly.. I mean where were you when I was younger?" I say annoyed. I had the shortest fuse today.

There was silence on the other end and I quickly glance at my screen to see if she had hung up, unfortunately she didn't.

"Look, Kat. I know you resent me but I'm trying to make up for all the years I missed. I'm not going to give up until you give me time to explain everything to you. Your an adult - you should be more understanding, right?" Meredith's voice says softly into the phone and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean I have to be understanding."

"Listen Kat, please. Let's meet up to talk and then after that - I.... I won't contact you anymore, unless you want me to."

I bit down on my lip, contemplating her words. Maybe I'll meet with her and get it over with and then never speak to her again.

"Fine, tomorrow at 8pm - Tavern on the Water." I say through a breath.

"Thank you! I can't wait to see you! See you then!" Meredith says cheerily then hangs up. I sigh, putting my phone in my back pocket and walk back out the the table.

Sliding in quietly next to Ashton, I see that our food has arrived.

"Is everything oka- what happened to your forehead?" Ashton asks, her eyebrows furrowed, his finger tracing the cut on my forehead.

"I ran into a door stall - no biggie." I shrug, picking up my fork.

"What a clutz." Nathan says in a jokingly manner and I smile at him, nodding.

Let's get this meal over with.


Sorry I haven't updated! I've had major writers block so this hopefully will suffice. Tell me what you think?! Love you guys alot!

Happy reading! Xx

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