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I would not live it down. And I didn't. All day Nathan poked jokes at me, saying I was ballsy for having a make out session in the parking lot. I was so embarrassed.

"So that's the alleged boyfriend, hm?" Nathan asks standing next to me as I wait for my coffee to brew. I had three hours of work left, woo.

"Uh yeah..." I mumble, my cheeks pink. Why couldn't he just drop it.

"You know I'm just picking fun right?" Nathan chuckles, tapping my shoulder lightly.

I nod, breaking a smile on my lips so he knows I'm okay.

"But seriously, you have some balls doing that. Plus you seemed so quiet and shy and then I see you making out with your boyfriend in the parking lot - he must be amazing in bed- too far." Nathan says stopping then laughing, shaking his head. I couldn't help but laugh either.

"Oh my god, no it's not like that." I say covering my face with my hands.

"It's not like the saying? Freak in the sheets?" Nathan says chuckling and my eyes bulge.

"Oh my god - I can't have this conversation with you, my boss." I say shaking my head, grateful that my coffee is ready.

"I'm joking, but seriously let me not catch in the parking lot making out yeah?" Nathan says pointing a finger at me as he walks out the break room, I nod at him as I stir my coffee.

Never again.

Ashton's POV

"Have a good day." I said in a bored tone. I was getting tired of American Apparel. I enjoyed it when Kat came in every other day, buying an item or two. I liked when she wore sunglasses around me and was semi rude to me. I liked that. I missed those times.

But I enjoyed these days way more. Her kisses. Her smiles. Her big brown eyes. Her voice. Her laugh. She was perfect.

"Stop daydreaming about your girlfriend and go hang up these go backs." Melanie says slapping a bunch of shirts on the register.

"I was not daydreaming about Kat." I roll my eyes at her and she chuckles raising a brow at me.

"Yeah, okay." I don't respond, instead I walk to the rack of clothes, hanging each one by one.

"So how is she, your girlfriend I mean." Melanie asks noisily as she sits on the register.

"She's good... Why do you ask?" I respond, my eyes on the clothes infront of me.

"No reason, just curiosity... If I'm being honest with you.. I thought that night was pretty special.." Melanie says sweetly and I instantly roll my eyes.

"I told you what that night was for and plus you can't hold it over my head - I wasn't with Kat at the time." I finally being my eyes up to her and she shrugs.

"I'm just saying - you basically led me on."

"Bullcrap - we both know what we were doing. Besides why are you even bringing that up? It was like over three months ago." I say slightly pissed off at the obnoxious blonde.

"Because - my game has been weak and I wS wondering if you wanted to have a go-"

"Hell no. No. Fuck that. Nope. I'm not a cheater. Why would you even ask me that? It was a one night stand, what the hell?" I say flabbergasted, she was ridiculous.

"Okay, okay. Don't get your panties in a twist." She raises her hands in surrender as she jumps off the register and to the back room.

I let out a breath, shaking my head.

Fucking ridiculous.


Hi! :-)

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