Chapter 41

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-----------------------------------Fitz's Perspective------------------------------

I led Tam, Linh, and Marella through the cavern on the right, trying to stay as silent as possible. Tam's shadows could prevent the Neverseen from seeing us, but not from hearing us.

Keep me updated, and if you find any members of the Neverseen, WAIT for us. Sophie transmitted. Sophie and I both knew that we couldn't afford to wait for the other if danger arose.

Of course, You too though. I transmitted. We could try to keep in touch I supposed...

Yeah... she transmitted to me, as if she knew what I was thinking, which was a possibility.

I was about to respond, but something caught my eye. Tam looked at me, we had both seen a small spark. There's something to the left I transmitted to the rest of the team, I think we can catch it by surprise if we move quietly.

They responded with silent nods as we slowly made our way into the "room". Linh summoned a tidal wave of water just as we stepped in, catching them by surprise... or I thought our arrival was a surprise.

A hooded figure and Vespera stood before us as if they were expecting our arrival. Tam's expression softened, "Glimmer? Is that you?"

The hooded figure didn't respond, but we got our answer soon enough, as Glimmer retaliated with a burst of light of her own, hitting Marella straight in the chest. Rage bubbled inside of me, as my vision tunneled to Glimmer. I retrieved a couple of goblin throwing stars from my boot and aimed at Glimmer.


The throwing star hit its mark, her chest, but it wasn't enough to keep her down. I was confused. A hit like that should have at least drawn some blood. I didn't have time to think about it as Vespera lifted me up with telekinesis and slammed me against the wall of the cavern, meanwhile, Tam and Linh were trying to keep Glimmer contained, and Marella looked like she was trying to get up again.

"You think we weren't prepared for this? I could see you coming from miles away" Vespera snarled, "In fact, this was a perfect way for you to do my dirty work and eliminate the Fintan and Gisela so I could rise and finally launch the next phase of my vision."

I gulped, I didn't even want to think of what the next phase of her vision was.

Just then, I heard Sophie's voice in my head, I think I found Wynn and Luna, she transmitted.

This is NOT a good time... I mentally told her, but it gave me an idea.

While Vespera was bragging about her plan, I turned to Marella, Distract her, I'll try to sneak into her head.

Marella discretely nodded and balls of fire emerged from her hands. "Wow, if you weren't so evil, I think I'd actually look up to you... It's like you can manipulate these guys to do whatever you want," Marella shouted to Vespera.

Vespera turned back to Marella, "I'm not evil, in fact, my vision actually helps the elves."

I stopped paying attention to them and concentrated on getting inside Vespera's head. I silently thanked my father for teaching me how to get into someone's head without touching them, and blasted my mental energy toward Vespera. Unfortunately for me, she had done something to her mind so that I was cut off from her thoughts, and was instead surrounded by jagged thorn-like spikes.

Instead of trying to avoid them, I pulled out a knife from my cape. We were dealing with the mind, so I could just think something into existence... or at least I thought it worked that way. I cut my way through the thorns, it was hard work. Luckily, Vespera didn't seem to notice my presence.

I had lied to Marella. I wasn't going to read her mind, I was going to break it. It had to be done. After what Vespera did to the humans all those centuries ago, I didn't want to be the one responsible for the rest of her vision coming to life.

I followed the trail of warmth, though it was hard to find, because Vespera didn't have a lot of warmth in her mind. I knew that I wouldn't fully break her mind, not alone at least, but I could damage it severely.

Soon, I reached Vespera's emotional center. I hoped that no one was getting hurt outside, but hopefully I wouldn't be here for too long. I made my way over to the center cube, and after pooling all of my energy from my core, I plunged the sword deep into the cube.

A loud boom echoed through her mind, and I didn't stick around long enough to find out what would happen next. I found myself back in the dark cavern, drained and exhausted. I looked around for Vespera, and saw her sprawled on the floor of the cave.

Everyone turned toward Vespera in shock, then to me. "Did you-?" Marella asked. Even though she didn't finish her question, I knew what she was asking.

"She's unconscious," I answered.

Linh let out a sigh of relief.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Glimmer check Vespera's pulse. I didn't think too much of what was happening there, and turned to check on Marella.

"How are you doing?" I asked Marella.

"Fine," she replied simply, but the look on her face made it clear that she was anything but fine.

"Linh, can you make a water compress for Marella, like the one you made for Wylie that time?" I asked.

Linh nodded and got to work.

"Glimmer," Tam said softly, I turned and saw that his hand was on her shoulder, "It's over. The Neverseen are gone."

She nodded, and wiped a tear from her face.

"You don't have to hide anymore," he whispered.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered back, "I'm so sorry for hurting you."

"It's okay, it wasn't anything major," he told her reassuringly.

Glimmer stood up and nodded, "Let me help you find Grady."

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