Chapter 12

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I'm so sorry for not updating for a long time. Too much homework.

Sophie packed her pajamas, toothbrush, and of course, Ella. She wore a shimmery blue tunic and a little gold flecked eyeliner. Totally not to impress a certain someone. She ran to the Leapmaster and was about to teleport to Everglen when...

"Sophie, where do you think your going?" Sandor said jumping in front of her.

"Oh, just to Everglen for a sleepover. Can you please NOT come?" She asked.

"I have to come with you," Sandor said, not about to compromise.

"Preeeeety pleeeeeeeease! With a cherry on top?" She pleaded.


"Okay, but can it just be you?"

"I'll have to discuss that with them," Sandor turned to the rest of her bodyguards.

"I'm definitely not going if Rohmilda (is that how you spell it) is going to be there."

"Keefe is going, so Ro will be there," Sophie pointed out.

"Yeah, so I can stay here," Bo said.

"I don't think I want to go either, I have to help Grady and Edaline with some things," Flori said and flashed a green thumb up at Sophie.

"Okay, it's settled, I'll go with Sophie, and you guys will stay here," Sandor said.

"Okay, bye guys!" Sophie waved, "See you tomorrow."

"Bye," Flori waved. Bo just grunted.

When they reached Everglen, Sophie was pleasantly surprised to see Fitz waiting for her at the entrance.

"Hey Soph!" He said.

Sophie just ran and hugged him super tight.


"Woah woah woah, calm down," he hugged her back and held her chin up, "I missed you too, Biana told me what happened in Loanmore."

"Yeah, Dex got pretty worked up, but I think he's okay now."

"Okay, I just want you to know that I am NOT going to make the same mistake again. You are really important to me, and I, I don't know what would happen if I lost you again," Fitz said.

"Yeah, but I don't think I want to keep on looking for my biological parents. I'm perfectly happy with Grady and Edaline."

"And I'm 100 percent okay with that." Fitz pulled her in and kissed her. For a really, really long time. They pulled apart when they heard Tam coughing, SUPER LOUDLY.

"Are you guys done, or..." Tam said. Fitz and Sophie blushed.

"Yeah, we were just..." Fitz started.

"Dude, I don't think we want to know what you guys were doing," Keefe said.

"Can we just go!" Sophie said impatiently.

"Yeah, come on guys, what do you want to do first?" Biana asked excitedly.

"Uuuuuuuuh, tell scary stories that will haunt you for the rest of your lives?" Tam asked.

"Definitely not," Biana glanced at him, "Maybe another time!"

"OOOOOOH, let's play try to make Foster blush," Keefe remarked.

"I think we've done enough of that today," Dex pointed out wickedly.

"How about we play basequest," Marella suggested.

"We're an odd number of people, we can't play that," Linh pointed out.

"Truth or Dare?" Sophie asked.

"How do you play?" Fitz asked, twirling his hand around hers.

"I'll explain inside, come on guys!"

They all flocked inside the majestic castle and walked up the stairs into Biana's room. Everyone sat in a circle and Sophie started to explain the rules of truth or dare.

"Who's gonna start?" Dex asked after she finished.

"Umm, who wants too?" Sophie asked.

Keefe immediately raised his hand, "Meeeee, Foster, PICK MEEEEEE!"

"Okay, chill, Keefe can go first."

"Okay, um, Fitzy, truth or dare?"

"Dare! Any day!"

"Okay, this is gonna be fun," Keefe said mischievously.

"Oh no," Fitz mussed up his hair, which only made him look cuter. Sophie felt her heart zing.

"Ooooooh, I know. Go to Havenfield and tell Grady that you want to marry his daughter."

"Ugh, I totally should have NOT chosen dare. Okay fine."

"Hey what if I'm not okay with this?" Sophie interjected.

"Too bad, he has to do it."

"Okay, I'll do it," Fitz said.

Fitz went downstairs to the Leapmaster and went to Havenfield. About 10 minutes later, he appeared in the hallway. Both of his eyes were black and Sophie could see bruises all over his arms.

"What happened!" Sophie rushed over.

"I... I just..." Fitz started. He fell back.

"Guys, Fitz just fainted, what do we do?"

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