Chapter 27

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This chapter is dedicated to wildLifedforever and all you wild life lovers out there. I just wanted to say that I love all life forms, even the occasional spider. :) If you want to do your part to save our beautiful planet, I reccomend changing your web browser to Ecosia. Ecosia is a search engine just like Google or Bing, but it is a non-profit and they donate their proceeds to plant trees all around the world. Keeping our planet safe and healthy is very, very important and if you take this small step, you're doing a big favor to Earth. For more information, visit the link below.

Btw, the chapter picture is a collage of my favorite KOTLC character FITZ VACKER. Psst... I may have an teeny weeny crush on him.

Anywhooooo: Happy reading!!!

----------------------------Fitz's Perspective-------------------------------------

"Isn't that what happened to Keefe when he manifested?" I asked, almost scared to say it.

"Who's Keefe?" Sophie asked.

I ignored the question. "Do you remember anything?" I asked.

She looked up to me, her big brown eyes filled with worry, "I don't."

"Oh my gosh!!! BIANA! Hail Elwin!" I was freaking out.

"Already on it!" she called back.

Dex looked up from his rummaging, "You were there when Keefe, you know."

"Yeah," I responded, thinking back to that day.

"If you could remember something, anything, it would really help," he told me.

"Uhhhh," I remembered Cognate training, "Keefe couldn't remember anything, and the next day he was manifesting." This was one of the times that I wished I had a photography memory like Sophie, or Keefe.

"Oh, well I guess we have to wait?" Dex asked.

"Guys!" Biana interrupted, "Elwin said that Keefe showed no symptoms except for memory loss in the time between waking up and manifesting."

"Yeah, we kinda figured that out," Dex told her.

"Oh," she frowned, "Should I pick up some supplies or something?"

"No," Dex told her, "I don't think we can do anything besides wait."

"I'm going to check her mind again," I told them, and without waiting for a response, plunged into the mind of the most beautiful elf in the world.

These days, I didn't even flinch from her ultra-focused memories. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a memory. A memory with me in it, looking at her like I could never look away. I recounted that this memory occurred just last night. Focus on what matters, I chided and dove in deeper.

Sophie had tried teaching me to heal minds, but I obviously couldn't because I didn't know how to inflict. One thing that stuck, though, was the trail of warmth in an elf's mind. In Sophie's mind, I tried searching for that trail of warmth.

Recounting happy memories of mine, I found her trail. I almost missed it, but when I saw it, I followed no matter where it went. I traveled deeper and deeper into Sophie's mind, turning at forks, jumping down cliffs, exploring caves, and climbing mountains. Her mindscape was extraordinary. Finally, I reached a jagged cavern. There was no path, but I was instantly drawn to the darkest corner. Praying that I would not go insane, I launched myself into the corner.

In all my time I had spent in Sophie's mind, I hadn't ever seen this part. I saw different colored pillars. One was red, another was blue, the third was green, the fourth was yellow, and the fifth was silver. I felt a sudden urge to touch the pillars and my feet moved without my mind's consent.

When I touched the red pillar, I felt a lurch in my heart and instantly remembered the time when I got my echoes. Maybe they trigger emotions I thought and moved toward the blue pillar.

There I remembered transmitting to Silveny and cognate training with Sophie. Hmm, maybe the red one was anger and the blue one is happiness?

When I felt the green, I remembered Sophie talking to Tarina in trollish and the few goblin words I had learned in multispecial studies. This was confusing. I didn't think they were emotions anymore. Unless this was frustration? I remembered being frustrated that I couldn't pronounce Thank You in goblin with an accurate accent.

Maybe the yellow one will make more sense. I touched the yellow pillar and was instantly transported to the time when I teleported with Sophie and Keefe to London. This one was probably freedom. Teleporting always made me feel free, especially because whenever I teleported, I was with Sophie.

I felt the silver one last. This one was probably my most favorite. I remembered Sophie enhancing me. Our rhythm was perfect and it was one of the times where I felt like maybe, just maybe I could be as talented as my cognate.

I found myself back in the cavern and was surprised that there were just 5 pillars. Surely there were more emotions? Or were they not even emotions. I recalled what I had seen. All of the memories incorporated Sophie in some way and this was her mind...

They stood for abilities! It was the only solution that made sense. The first one was her inflicting, then telepathy, then polygot, then teleporting, and lastly enhancing! There was probably a reason that Sophie's mind led me here, though. I remembered that when Keefe was going through the same thing, he got a new ability. Maybe Sophie got a new ability? No, there were only 5 of them. Maybe they were getting stronger or something? I would have to hail Mr. Forkle and ask.

Carefully, I climbed out of her ability core (as I had decided to call it) and came back into her subconscious. Now that it was safe to come out, I removed my fingers from her temple and was taken back to the field where Biana and Dex were freaking out.

"You went into Sophie's mind?" Biana asked.

"Alone?" Dex added.

"Yeah," I told them and looked down at my beautiful girlfriend. She had a new towel on her forehead and was sleeping more peaceful than ever.

Biana's expression softened, "What did you see?" she asked.

"Her subconscious guided me to her ability core," I replied.

"Ability core? What's that?" she asked.

"Well, I don't know what it's called exactly, but," I explained what I saw.

"Uh, guys..." Dex interjected, "Who's that?"

Biana and I looked at where Dex was pointing. 3 figures were visible. As they came closer, I could make out the white eye symbols on their black cloaks. I saw Biana's face go white, "It's the Neverseen."

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