Chapter 2

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Throughout that whole conversation, Keefe stayed quiet, and was still unconscious. She tried shaking him, screaming into his ear, and staring at him for a long time to intimidate him to wake up. None of the methods worked. After about an hour, Fitz walked into the door with Biana.

"Hey guys!" Sophie said.

"Hey!" Fitz responded.

Biana just ran over to Keefe's side and Sophie could see the tears in her eyes. Biana tried to wake Keefe up by shouting in his ear. Fitz and Sophie just watched Biana. In the end, she started bawling hysterically, and when Fitz tried to comfort her, she pushed him aside, and said she needed some privacy. Sophie walked outside with Fitz a few steps behind her.

"So... what happened with Biana?" Sophie ventured.

"I honestly have no idea, but I do know that Biana has had a crush on Keefe for a loooong time," Fitz said.

"Oookay, well she did a good job hiding it."

"Yeah, I know."

"So, what do we do now?" Sophie asked.

"I don't know," their eyes met, "Whatever you want to do." Sophie urged her heart not to flutter, but her heart never listened to her.

"I... I don't know what I want to do."

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