Chapter 31

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--------------------------------Tam's Perspective---------------------------------

"Okay, let's get started then!" Linh announced, a bit too enthusiastically. Easy for her to say.

"Sure, whatever," I replied, though honestly I was NOT looking forward to the next three hours.

We light leaped to Slurps and Burps, though all I could do was hope that they happened to run out of the elixirs we needed. The door opened with an annoying tune that I was sure would be stuck in my head forever. Linh and Wylie were sooo gonna tease me about this, and if the others found out, that would probably be the cause of my very embarrassing/terrible humiliation which I would have to endure for the rest of eternity.

Kesler Diznee read the scroll Linh handed to him. She explained our dilemma, well technically my dilemma.

"Okay," he said, "So what can I do for you."

Before I could respond, Linh said, "Tam's going to pretend to be Keefe, but first we need to make him Keefe." I can't believe I agreed to do this!!!!

-----------------------------Flashback: 1 hour before-----------------------------

I had to read the scroll again, and a quick glance at Linh confirmed that she was thinking the same thing.

Lord Cassius's interrogation has been concluded. Among other things, we, the Council, have found that Lord Cassius Sencen had an illegitimate child with the late Cyrah Endal. If any of you have any information pertaining to this, let us know immediately.

The next interrogation will be of Wylie Endal and Keefe Sencen on the day after tomorrow at 12:00 PM.

Again, if anyone has any important information, please report it to the Council. More information will be passed along in the form of these scrolls.


"But Keefe, Keefe's with the Neverseen," Linh whispered, echoing my exact thoughts.

"I know, should we tell the Council?" I asked, more to myself than to her. "No, the Council can't know," I reminded myself, answering my own question.

I turned to Linh, who was whispering into her imparter. Who is she hailing? I thought and peered into her imparter. I caught a glimpse of Wylie's face and blew out a breath. Linh and Wylie were hanging out together a lot, to be honest, it was getting a bit annoying... and concerning...

Something shiny caught my eye and as I turned, I saw Wylie shimmering into view on the lawn. "I have an idea," he said in that deep voice of his.

"What is it?" I half-asked, half-groaned.

He looked at me, "You're gonna have to be disguised as Keefe."

I heard giggling behind me as I asked, "Are you serious?"

He nodded with a funny smile, "But I'm not even like Keefe. We're mortal enemies! I'd never be able to pull that off," I protested.

"You guys are kinda similar," Linh said thoughtfully.

I whirled on her, "Oh, you're on his side? Should have known. I WILL NOT be disguised as Keefe. I CAN NOT be disguised as Keefe. Not in a million years," I announced.

"Of course I'm on his side," she retorted, "He's right about this. You are the only one of us who would actually be able to pull off being Keefe, so you need to stop whining and step up, because it's not all about you anymore."

That kinda hurt, but I had to agree with her, "Fine," I grumbled, "Just don't tease me too much about it," I added.

Wylie chuckled as Linh said, "We're not making any promises."

----------------------------------End of Flashback-------------------------------

"So, you need elixirs, then?" Mr. Diznee asked, raising a naughty eyebrow. He could be annoying like that, I just hoped that in the end, it would be worth the teasing.

Linh walked over to Wylie and whispered something in his ear giggling. Oh, so now they were doing this, huh...

Wylie snuck his hand to the shelf behind us. What was he now, a shoplifter. Seriously, Mr. Diznee was way too nice for us to steal from. Then again, it would be easier...No. Before I could react, Wylie handed the bottle to Linh, who poured it down my throat. Then, things started to get woozy. I had just enough time to say "You will soooooo pay for this, Wylie Endal," though it came out as, "Youwillsopay...." Both ways, he got the message.

----------------------------------20 minutes later--------------------------------

I woke up in one of those sinky armchairs. Wylie and Linh were collapsed over a table full of empty bottles in laughter, as was Kesler Dizznee. The nerve to knock me out and laugh. OH, they were sooo gonna pay, BIG TIME!

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, surprised at how much squeakier my voice had become, probably the after affect of the elixir I was fed.

In response, Linh erupted in another fit of uncontrollable giggles. My eyes wandered to the mirror on my left. My jaw dropped open. I was Keefe! Well, I wasn't like Keefe Keefe, but I looked so much like . . . OH MY GOSH! MY BANGS! MY AMAZING, SHARP, SILVERY, SMOOTH, BANGS! What had they done?!?

"I told you my elixirs worked. They use the best of the best ingredients, resulting in premium after-effects!" Mr. Diznee exclaimed. What was he, a walking advertisement for himself?!?

"Well, you look like Keefe now, I guess," Wylie said. How I wanted to wipe that smirk off of that face of his. I decided to shut my mouth, as, if I said anything, let's just say, it wouldn't have been good.

Okay. Fast forward to the real deal. After much practice and pruning (the elixirs wore off like so fast. So much for the best of the best ingredients.), Wylie and I were headed to the Council's interrogation office. The guards dressed in glinting armor looked like the least of my worries, going into the building.

"Your hand, please." asked one, in a high voice, squeakier than even mine, I mean Keefe, I mean, oh whatever, you get the idea.

I'm sorry, but WHAT? I was confused. I still held my hand to the shiny gray machine, it made a buzzing sound and was ticklish. A cotton ball-like thing was revolving very fast around my hand and went...wait what? it went under my nail... ew. And yet, that wasn't the weirdest thing I'd done today.

"Blood test," the guard remarked, matter-of-factly.

"Oh, right, of course, totally, perfectly, normal," I bumbled. How was I gonna fake my way through this? To my surprise, they let me pass. Wait, that meant one of the elixirs turned my blood into Keefe's. That was too painful to think about, and kinda gross. I looked at Wylie, and together, we headed into the building.

Soooooo...... Tam pretends to be Keefe.

What did you guys think of that?

Think he's going to get caught?

Question, on a scale of 1-10, how cute do you think Lylie (Wylie + Linh) is?

My Answer: 8. Wylie and Linh is a super duper cute ship!!! I mean, do you guys remember how Linh wouldn't leave Wylie's side after he was assaulted by the Neverseen? And when she was digging through his music? Not to mention, they also live in the same house, which seems a bit wrong, but yeah.

Anyway, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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