Chapter 11

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When they entered Loanmore, Sophie was glad to know that they fixed the entrance and that the magsidian that cleaned them was repaired.

"Hello Sophie, Team Valiant," Nubiti said, Sophie was surprised but glad to see her. She ran over to give the dwarven queen a hug.

"I've missed you Nubiti!" Overwhelmed but touched, Nubiti returned the hug.

"I have too."

Wylie gave a little cough. "Oh yeah," Sophie remembered, "We came to see how the progress has come along."

"Oh, I figured. Come on, follow me." As they walked, Nubiti pointed to the walls, "These walls are freshly carved, and we are 90% done."

"Well that's good to hear, it's a good thing that you guys are so good at building!" Sophie pointed out.

"Yes," Nubiti replied.

"Umm.... will we have to go through the King's path again?" Stina asked cautiously.

"I think we will have to, considering what happened in the throne room last time," Sophie replied, looking a little nervous.

"Okay, follow me guys, and try to keep calm," Nubiti said.

They walked into the King's Path and Sophie felt a feeling of dread build up in her chest. Then, images of humans being slaughtered in massacres and other dreadful scenes flashed through her head. Sophie started screaming at the top of her lungs. She felt a hand on her back and felt a bit comforted, but continued screaming. The flashing images changed to all her friends, family, and everyone she cared about being slaughtered. All she could do was watch. She had never felt more helpless in her life. Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped. Sophie calmed down a little.

"Sophie are you okay?" Stina asked.

Sophie took a few breaths, "Yeah, I think so."

"I tried helping you, but I don't think it worked," Stina said, clearly worried.

"I think I felt something, but I don't know. Definitely gonna avoid doing THAT in the future."

"Okay, we should keep moving," Wylie said.

"Unless Sophie isn't up for it," Biana said.

"No, I think I'm fine," Sophie took a deep breath, "Let's go."

They all walked inside the throne room. Dex took a sharp breath, "Wow, this is super amazing."

"I know, they completely redid the whole thing!" Biana exclaimed.

"It's perfect for Nubiti, it's like she was made for that throne," Sophie pointed out.

"Yeah, I know right," Biana agreed.

Sophie turned to Nubiti, "Okay, we will report this to the Council. Is there anything else we need to do?"

"No, I guess it's time for you to go. Good luck to all of you!" Nubiti sadly said.

"You too," Sophie turned and hugged her, "I hope to see you soon!"

"Until we meet again."

"I'm going to teleport out of here if you don't mind," Sophie said.

"By all means," Nubiti responded.

"Bye!!" Dex and Biana waved to her.

The five regents teleported to the Tribunal Hall.

"Hello, I take that you visit to Loanmore was productive," Councillor Emery said to all of them.

"Very, Loanmore is rebuilding very quickly. Most of is already good as new. Better than that actually," Sophie reported.

"Excellent. Anything else to report?"

"No," Sophie responded.

"Okay, you are dismissed," Councillor Emery told them.

As they walked out, Biana took Dex and Sophie aside, "Hey, you guys want to come over to my house tomorrow for a sleepover?"

"Sure, I'll just ask Grady and Edaline," Sophie said, "Can't wait!"

"Yeah, I think I'm free tomorrow," Dex said.

"Cool, tomorrow it is!"

"See you there!" Sophie exclaimed.

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