Chapter 17

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------------Fitz's Perspective-----------------------------------------

"I love you" I whispered in Sophie's ear, "I love you too," she whispered back to me. That was probably the most amazing moment of my life.

When I got home, Biana and my mom practically pounced on me. "How was it!!!!" Biana asked.

"Uhhhhhhhhh, it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I replied.

"What did you guys do?" Della asked.

"What are you implying?" I asked, kind of suspicious about where this was going.

Alden and Della shared a look. "Nevermind," She replied as Biana dragged me into her incredibly sparkly room. Let's just say, I was in there for a good 3 hours.

I honestly couldn't stop thinking about Sophie. Her eyes, the way her face scrunched up when she was concentrating, when her cheeks turned that adorable shade of pink when she was embarrassed... or around me, the way she was ALWAYS right, and honest, and kind, and sweet, and beautiful, and just incredible. I think I'm the most privileged person alive to be considered her boyfriend.

I couldn't wait to see her at school tomorrow and master split-personas. And with that thought, I drifted to sleep... Little did I know, mastering split-personas would be the least of my problems the next day...


Just kidding

----------------------------------Unknown Perspective---------------------------------------------

"Tie her up, and the other one too," I heard a gruff voice say. Paying my father's debt to these people was probably the worst thing that I've had to do in my whole life.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, which thankfully he couldn't see.

I tried to catch the stray creature, but it kept on disappearing and reappearing. With the help of my employer, I caught both of them.

"Okay, what do we do next," I said, determined to prove myself so I could get out of this place as soon as elvinly possible.

"Sedate her," was his only reply.

I took out my needle, which was longer than the palm of my hand. I closed my eyes and jabbed the needle into the poor creature's skin. Even with my eyes closed, I could see the blood oozing out of the wound I had created with my own two hands. I could feel the tears starting to form and blinked them off.

"Now, the next one," he told me.

I wanted to say no so badly, but I knew I had to. I made my way to the second creature. As I got out my second needle, I could feel bile rise up in my throat. Again, I punctured the needle into its skin. Again, the blood. Again, the tears.

"Put them in," he said. I wanted to hurt him. To make his life as miserable. Just like what he was making me do to these creatures. Reluctantly, I lifted them and put them into a sack. "Come on, let's go before they find out that these guys are missing," he told me. I hurried toward the crystal, and stepped into the glow.

The moment we got back to the hideout, I ran to my quarters and cried for I don't know how long. How could I do such a thing. How could I betray my only friend. My only family. The only person I loved. How could I betray Tam?

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