Chapter 35

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This chapter is dedicated to ellamaila. Thanks for the votes and the hilarious comments and... welcome to the club! (btw, it's the "I have a tiny crush on Fitz club") And without further ado, here's Chapter 35!!!

------------------------------Sophie's Perspective--------------------------------

"WAIT WHAT?" I yelled, hearing Keefe and Fitz shout the same thing at the same time. I sent a silent plea into the universe that Marella would burst out laughing and say it was all a joke.

Instead, she nodded grimly, "It's true."

"But how though?" Keefe asked, "Grady's like hardcore scary when he's in danger."

"I don't know the details," Marella started, "I was going to Havenfield to deliver a letter that Mr. Forkle gave me, and then when I got there, Sandor told me that Grady was missing. Later he got a message from the Neverseen that he was kidnapped and then Sandor told me to pass the message to you."

"Okay," I said slowly, trying to process the news.

"But why didn't he mesmerize them?" Keefe asked again.

"They were probably wearing their thinking caps," Fitz told him, wrapping his arms around me. I had to admit, it made me feel a bit better.

"Yeah, probably," I agreed, feeling a little uncomfortable about the way Keefe was looking at Fitz.

Keefe started to say, "Foster, your emotions are feeling kind of-"

Luckily, Biana and Dex came running over to us, cutting Keefe off, "Guys, Tam's calling. I asked him what was up and he said it would be better if he just talked to all of us at once," Biana said. She held out her imparter and the look on Tam's face made me worry. What was he going to say?

"Hi guys," Tam said, "Wait, Keefe?"

"Hehe yeah... I'm here," he stammered.

"What did you want to tell us?" I cut in. We could tell him about Keefe later.

"Oh, yeah, right. Where should I start?" He asked, mostly to himself.

"Maybe from the beginning?" Keefe teased.

Tam rolled his eyes. "Okay, so basically the Council was investigating Lord Cassius."

"Wait, they were interrogating my dad?" Keefe asked, "I guess the Council is cooler then I thought.

"Yeah, can you just not interrupt?" Tam interjected, "Anyway, after the investigation, all of us got scrolls saying that among other things the Council learned from him, they found out that he had an illegitimate daughter.

"So.... Keefe has a sister?" Fitz asked.

"Half-sister," Tam clarified, "And then the scroll also said that Keefe and Wylie were to be investigated next. And Keefe wasn't even in the Lost Cities at the time so yeah. And then Wylie and the idea to make me look like you and go to the interrogation as Keefe."

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Back that Kraken up. YOU, Tam Song, dressed up as ME, Keefe Sencen, and the Council bought it?"

Tam nodded, "Yeah, then Linh and Wylie took me to Slurps and Burps and we took an elixir that made me look exactly like you. I was almost scared that I wouldn't even look like myself again."

"Wait so my Dad knows you did this?" Dex asked.

"Mhm," Tam said uncomfortably, "Linh said we could trust him. Anyway, I went to the interrogation, Councillor Oralie asked me some questions, I gave her the answers. Everything went pretty well. I don't think they suspected a thing."

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