Chapter 36

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-----------------------------------Fitz's Perspective------------------------------

"You can't fire us!" Sophie protested.

Councillor Emery raised a hairy eyebrow, "I'm in charge of this assignment I can 'fire' you whenever I'd like to."

"That's not how this was supposed to work!" Biana added, "And besides, what about the alicorns?"

"Well... The alicorns... We have a short-term solution which would be much more effective than you kids," Councillor Emery stated evenly.

"And what is that?" I asked. They couldn't keep us in the dark about this of all things.

"Ummmmm.... It's classified, but I can see that you will not stop bothering me until I tell you, so it is my sad duty to report to you that Silveny and Greyfell will be held in the Sanctuary under unbreakable chains and other such protections. The Council has voted that this will be a better solution," he responded.

"UNBREAKABLE CHAINS???" I asked. No one could be that cruel! Especially after Silveny had just gone through such a stressful labor. I could tell Keefe had something to say about the whole situation, but he obviously could not show the Council that we were with him.

"Yes, Mr. Vacker. I'm afraid that the world we live in requires us to make such decisions," Councillor Emery said gravely.

I didn't care if I had to stop my contact to the Lost Cities or if I had to complete Foxfire late. I would do anything to protect the alicorns and now, the Council decided that I was unworthy to take care of them. It just wasn't fair.

"Well if you guys don't have any more questions, I must be returning to the Lost Cities," Councillor Emery told us, "Please deliver the alicorns to the Sanctuary as soon as possible."

Councillor Emery clicked off of the screen, "They can't do this," Sophie whispered.

"They just did," Keefe answered, looking a bit dazed.

I elbowed him, "I'm sure it won't be for long," I told Sophie with all the confidence I could muster.

"Yeah," she said absentmindedly.

"Should I go pack the tent?" Biana asked.

"I can help you," Dex answered, probably knowing that Biana had no idea how to assemble and disassemble a tent.

"You're going to come back right?" Sophie asked Keefe.

"Of course!" Keefe told her, wrapping an arm around her waist, "I would never leave you, Foster."

I had to admit, I was a bit jealous... "Umm, don't we need to take Silveny and Greyfell to the Sanctuary?" I asked, mostly to change the subject.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," Keefe stammered, taking his hands off of Sophie's waist, "I can help you guys."

Sophie's face visibly lightened up, "That would be great."

Keefe chortled, "Never thought that you would be so happy to see me, Foster."

"You don't know how much I've missed you," she said.

"And what about you Fitzy? Ready to pay respects to Lord Hunkyhair?" Keefe asked teasingly.

"I'd rather cover myself in sparkly poop," I quipped, starting toward the alicorns.

"Suurreeeeeeee," Sophie said, dragging out the word for emphasis.

"I could actually imagine you walking around covered in sparkly poop," Keefe mused. I laughed imagining the scene myself.

----------------------------Time Skip: At the Sanctuary----------------------------

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