Chapter 33

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---------------------------------Fitz's Perspective--------------------------------

"You backstabbers," Biana snarled and thrust out a couple goblin throwing stars.

I tore my eyes off of my sister. She could handle herself for now. Running over to Silveny and Greyfell, I pulled out my goblin throwing stars from a hidden pocket in my cape. I sent a mental plea for help to the universe and aimed the throwing star at the closest dwarf. I let it fly just as I heard a scream.

Sophie's scream I internalized. Not even checking to see if my star had hit its mark, I turned toward my Cognate, my beautiful girlfriend. Sophie was in Ruy's arms. A medler pointed at her head. "Let her go," I demanded.

"Or what?" Ruy taunted.

"Or I will pierce this goblin throwing star through your skull," I threatened, "And I promise, I will not miss."

Ruy's composure faltered for a split-second. "If you throw that star, I will not hesitate to shoot your little girlfriend."

I could tell he wasn't bluffing, but I wasn't ready to back down. Not with Sophie in danger. I locked eyes with Ruy, but I was really transmitting to Biana.

When I'm talking to Ruy, throw your throwing star at him so that he lets go of Sophie. I told her.

At his head? She clarified.

Yeah, I told her, We don't have a choice, he's going to kill Sophie.

Okay, she said, a fierce glint in her eyes.

"You can't do this!" I yelled as Biana pulled out a throwing star. From the corner of my eye, I could see Dex throwing some cube-like gadgets at Lady Gisela. Good thing he's keeping her distracted I thought.

"Oh, I can. And I will," he sneered, "It's the least I can do."

"The least you can do?" I asked. From the corner of my eye, I saw Biana aiming her weapon.

"Sophie Foster stripped me of my powers," he thundered, "The only thing holding me back from killing her right now is that we might need her po-"

Ruy was cut off because of Biana's aim. The silver goblin throwing star pierced straight through Ruy's skull, creating a splatter of blood across his face and Sophie's body. As Ruy fell, he let out a scream of anguish and dropped Sophie on the grass.

I lunged to pick Sophie up and Lady Gisela turned toward us. "What have you done?" she screamed.

I paid no attention to her and focused on Sophie in my arms. I could see Biana and Dex racing toward Silveny and Greyfell, leaving me to deal with Lady Gisela and Keefe alone. You're not alone, I reminded myself, Sophie's here with you.

Lady Gisela turned from Ruy, as if he was only worth five seconds of her time. I adjusted my hands in a position better suited for carrying Sophie. As I did that, she let out a moan and moved a little. I fought the urge to go back into her mind and turned back toward Lady Gisela. I pulled out a goblin throwing star, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't use this," I told her.

"I can think of many, but I believe that your aim isn't good enough to miss your dear friend here," she said. I had confidence in my ability to throw the star at her, but she pulled Keefe closer to her and I didn't want to risk harming Keefe.

"Okay," I said slowly. I turned toward Biana and Dex. I could see them trying their best to thwart the dwarves, but the dwarves were almost done harnessing the two alicorns. Ugh, why did dwarves have to be so efficient? I asked myself.

Sophie twisted in my grasp, and I almost let go of her. "Sophie?" I whispered. No response. I made up my mind to enter her subconscious and was just about to put my fingers onto her temples when Lady Gisela said, "You know, I'm just so happy that I decided to recruit dwarves. They are very industrial creatures. Elves would have taken triple the amount of time to do the same task."

Everything about Keefe's mother infuriated me. I knew that I should go help Biana and Dex, but I couldn't leave Sophie here alone, "Yeah, congratulations," I mumbled half-heartedly, my eyes still on Sophie.

"Fitz?" Sophie's croaked, "Where are we?"

I almost jumped with joy, but then I realized that I was holding my girlfriend. If I dropped her... "We're with Silveny and Greyfell, but we've been ambushed by the Neverseen. Biana and Dex are trying to help them," I told her, trying to make it brief enough so that I wouldn't waste time, but thorough enough that she would understand the gravity of the situation.

I heard Lady Gisela chuckling, "Help them," Sophie said with an imploring look. How anyone could say no to her was a mystery to me.

"I can't leave you alone," I told her.

"Go," she said firmly, "And put me down. I'll deal with her."

I listened to her second request, but I couldn't leave her alone with Lady Gisela. The moment I did so, she looked at Ruy's lifeless body and her knees buckled. "Ruy," she whispered, "We killed him."

"We had to," I reasoned, "He was threatening to do that to you."

"Okay, this is all very cute, but I must be leaving," Lady Gisela announced.

Sophie clutched my hand tightly and steadied herself. Suddenly, I saw red light burst out of her shooting toward Lady Gisela and the two dwarves. The three of them only had time to widen their eyes in terror before Sophie's inflicting hit them.

The moment the red light hit them, Lady Gisela and her two minions fell, writhing in pain. I looked over to Sophie. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Never better," she told me, and I could tell she wasn't lying, because she wasn't even winded!

Biana and Dex looked over at Sophie in awe, observing the same thing as me. Sophie would have normally needed a mental boost or a bottle of youth or something after she had done such a thing. Now, she was looking as fresh as a daisy.

They turned around to unfasten the harnesses on the alicorns' bodies. "How did you do that?" Keefe asked, walking over to us.

"I have no idea," Sophie said, "I just feel like my abilities are stronger."

Something clicked inside my brain. When I had journeyed in Sophie's mind, I was drawn to her abilities core. After her coma, Sophie's abilities became stronger. I explained this to the rest of them, but Keefe looked distracted. "Hey, what are we going to do with Ruy and my mom?" he interrupted.

"Tie them up and throw them in Exile," Sophie said with a straight face.

"You're kidding right?" I asked. Sophie usually wasn't the one to suggest such things.

"No," she said darkly, "They need to pay for what they've done, and Exile is one of the only safe places left."

"Okay," Keefe interjected, "What about Ruy though?"

"I guess we have a burial for him in the Wanderling Woods," I said, "I doubt a lot of people would attend though."

"Yeah," Keefe said. I felt a vibration in my pocket. Someone was hailing me on my imparter. I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Marella? Hi," I answered.

"Fitz, is Sophie with you? I tried hailing her but she wouldn't pick up, so I figured that you were the next best option," She told me hurriedly.

"Yeah, I'll give her the imparter," I said and gave my imparter to Sophie.

"Sophie, Grady's been captured," Marella's voice said.

"Wait WHAT?" Keefe, Sophie, and I shouted at the same time.

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