Chapter 43

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This chapter was one of my favorites to write. It's a long one, so I've decided to split it into two parts. Here's Chapter 43 Part 1. This chapter is dedicated to @EmmaWNumber1Fan because she guessed who Glimmer really was.

Kudos to my readers who vote and comment! They always make me smile!

Thanks so much for making it this far, and I hope you enjoy reading!


--------------------------------Glimmer's Perspective-----------------------------

"My name is Eleanor. Eleanor Olivia Wright," I started, my palm shaking. I had no idea how they would take the news. Especially Keefe and Wylie.

After we returned to the Lost Cities safely, and every injury was taken care of, I decided that it was finally time to tell everyone who I really was. I was tired of hiding. Hiding what I was doing, hiding my intentions, hiding my hopes, hiding my name, hiding me. The Neverseen caused me to be someone I wasn't, and I knew I had to stop being Glimmer and start being Eleanor.

For some dramatic flair, I even took down my hood. For an action that happened so quickly, I felt like it was very intimate. It was like I had exposed every secret, every thought, and every vicious action all at once, but not at all. Some part of me wanted to put my hood back up again and go back to being Glimmer, but I knew I couldn't go back now. Not when Keefe, Fitz, and Sophie were looking at me, eyes widened and jaws dropped.

"You're... It's you?" Keefe started, "I- This makes NO SENSE!"

"I thought you were dead..." Fitz breathed.

Sophie just kept looking at me blankly. I had assumed that everyone knew who I was, or at least heard of me, but I guess it was just Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz. It made sense, I supposed, because they were the only ones who'd come to London that fateful day.

The others looked confused, and the girl named Biana looked downright betrayed, "What are you talking about?" Biana asked.

"Yeah, Glimmer, what are they talking about?" Tam asked, taking a small step back.

"Let me start from the very beginning. As you all know, my parents are Lord Cassius and Cyrah Endal. I don't know why they had me, but I do know that Gisela and Cassius were married when she had me.

"I don't remember Cassius, but Cyrah was a great mother. She took care of me and everything, but she always hid me in some house in the hills. Her visits were always the highlight of my day, even though she couldn't visit for long. She usually pretended she was out getting something or visiting her friends. I think Gisela always knew about Cassius' betrayal, though. One day, Cyrah made the mistake of taking me to see my father. He was entertaining guests that day, and they caught a glimpse of me.

"I think that Gisela found out that the guests would put two and two together, so one day, she came to my home and managed to convince Cyrah that she had to give me away to the humans to keep me safe."

"So that's how you ended up in the house with the green door..." Sophie mused.

"Hey, we have a half-sister!" Keefe exclaimed, nudging Wylie.

Wow, I thought, that was definitely not how I thought this would go.

But Wylie, on the other hand, looked betrayed, as if the news was just coming down on him, "She was with my father back then. Why would she cheat?"

I shook my head, "I have no idea."

The water girl, Linh, put her hand on Wylie's shoulder, "Maybe she meant well?"

Wylie took her hand and squeezed it, "Maybe..." he said, sounding unconvinced, "Anyway, go ahead. I have a feeling that this isn't the weirdest part of your story."

I smiled, in a way that I hoped looked reassuring, then I continued with my convoluted tale, "Okay. That's when I met my human father. His name was, as some of you may know, Ethan Benedict Wright. He was amazing. A better father than I could ever hope for. After being neglected by my biological father and only visiting my mother a couple of hours a week, my human dad devoted all his attention and love toward me."

I smiled fondly, recalling the time he taught me how to ride a bike, and the time we baked my birthday cake when I dropped the one he bought for me.

"One day, when I was ten years old, a boy, who I now know was Keefe, came to our door and delivered a letter from Gisela to my father. All I know is that she wanted him to make some sort of super-drug that could knock someone out for a century. My dad was a scientist by the way. He made medicines and stuff like that for a living. Anyway, my dad refused, of course, because it was morally wrong. He told Gisela that he couldn't test on anyone because most humans didn't even live until 100.

"Gisela told him to experiment on me. She wouldn't take no for an answer and even threatened to kill his sister. My dad told Gisela that he would, but after she left, he told me to pack my bags. He said that I was going to move away, somewhere that Gisela couldn't find us. He also wrote a letter to Cyrah, so I suspected that he wanted her to hide me away in the Lost Cities.

"I thought that day was going to be the worst day of my life. He promised he would call and visit, but I now know that his words were lies. But they made me feel a little better on that day.

"The next day, we were walking to the location Cyrah said that she would meet us. As we were crossing the street, a bus rammed into my father. He pushed me just in time and said one word 'go'. It all happened too fast for me to process, but I knew one thing for sure, that day was the worst day of my life."


Dun Dun Duuuunnnnn!!!




I wrote in a kinda different style for this chapter so if you have any feedback, feel free to share it!

Stay safe and stay tuned for the next chapter!

Don't forget to press the star button on your way out!

~Rsurana216 <3

P.S. Happy AAPI Heritage Month!

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