Chapter 21

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—————————Fitz's Perspective————————

"She'll be fine in about half-an-hour," Elwin told me. I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding.

"Great. I didn't think we would be here so soon..." I trailed off, thinking about my friend, who was now captured by the Neverseen.

"Yeah. You guys seem to be coming here at least twice a week these days. How's Keefe doing?" He asked.

"He was doing well, until..." I couldn't bring myself to continue.

"Until?" Elwin prompted. I filled Elwin in on the recent.

"Oh," he said, "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault," I said.

"I know, but I still am," he responded.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

The classic ringtone for an Imparter went off. Me and Elwin pulled out our Imparters. "It's not mine," he said.

"Not mine either," I said. We both turned to Sophie. "It might be in her pocket," I said and moved toward her. Sure enough, it was her Imparter that was ringing. Dex was hailing her.

I picked up. "Hello?" I asked as Dex said, "Fitz?"

—————————Keefe's Perspective———————

The time frame for this is the same as the previous chapter.

I took out the crystal Fallon gave me to go to Mistmead. "Bye Biana, Bye Linh!" I called. I forgot about Bangs Boy. Oops. My bad!

I arrived outside the door of the massive estate. "Fallon, It's Keefe!" I called as I knocked.

"Coming!" I heard his voice say.

The door creaked open as Fallon let me in. "Ro, you might want to stay outside for this one," he said in that raspy voice of his.

"I can't leave Keefe alone!" She persisted.

"He may damage vital parts of your body. I'm starting defense with him today." He told her. Ro pondered for a moment while I internally groaned. The lessons were hard normally, but defense? I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"How do I know if he will be safe though?" She asked him.

"I have a medler, and I'm not a afraid to use it," he swiftly replied.

I doubted that, but that was okay. I didn't need an ogre or an old man to keep me safe. "I'll be fine," I told Ro. She reluctantly stayed outside.

"If I sense anything suspicious. And I mean ANYTHING I will break down this door," she threatened.

"Chill. I'll be fine," I repeated.

"I'm counting on it," she said.

"Come on," Fallon said, and motioned for me to come inside.

"Okay," I told him. I followed Fallon into the room we'd been using for my training. It was mostly empty, save for a chair which Fallon used. And a dummy.

"Defense. The hardest thing to learn as a Stellarlune." Fallon told me, "concentration is key. To start off, position your dominant hand in front of you and your non dominant hand below it."

I did as he said.

"Now, move your hands in a figure-8 shape and make a punching motion toward the dummy." He instructed. "This Pratt involves a lot of concentration. Concentrate on where you want to hit the target, between its eyes, and with how much force you want to hit it with, a lot."

"Okay," I concentrated hard on where I wanted to hit it and gathered all the force I could and hit the dummy.

"Great job!" Fallon said. "Come on, why don't you take a break. Sit here. I'll get you something to eat," he said and walked out to the kitchen.

I sat down in the chair. This was one of the things I liked about Fallon. He treated me like I mattered, he loved me, much more than my parents ever could...

Just then, the floor beneath me cracked, as I stood to see what happened, I felt myself falling into the ground. "HELP!!!" I screamed. I heard Fallon running and Ro breaking down the door, but by that time, it was too late. The Neverseen, in all their black-cloak glory, had taken me, bound my hands and legs, and were carrying me to who knows where.


Is Fallon Evil?????????

Who took Wynn and Luna??????

What is Ro going to do????

So many questions. So much to write. So little time.

I'm starting to sound like Shannon Messenger aren't I...

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