Chapter 39

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Hey guys, sorry for being inactive for so long... I was working on some other writing projects, but don't worry, We Stand United is still on my list of priorities.

We all know that Unlocked is coming out soon, but I just wanted to clarify, I will still be working on this story. There are only a couple chapters left to go, so fingers crossed that you guys will stay with me while I write the last few chapters of this fanfiction.

One last thing, thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, added this to their reading lists, and followed me! I really love and appreciate the support.


----------------------------------Sophie's Perspective---------------------------

"There are no leads? No clues? Nothing?" I asked Edaline, fighting the urge to tug at my eyelashes.

Edaline nodded. My chest tightened and I blinked vigorously to fight the tears that were inevitable. Sandor probably noticed, and hoisted me over their shoulders, "You're going to bed," Sandor squeaked, "You've had a long day."

"You know I'm not going to sleep with Grady missing right?" I asked, tears already halfway down my face, "And please put me down!"

The only response I got was a grumble from Bo, who was close behind and a high-pitched sigh from Sandor.

The moment I heard the door shut, I wiped my tears, ran to my window, opened it, and flung myself out. I couldn't cry when Grady was missing, I had to find him! Right before I hit the grass, I opened a portal and teleported to Everglen.

Surprisingly, I landed on my feet this time, "You must be improving," a crisp accented voice said.

I didn't have to turn around to know it was the one and only Fitz Vacker smiling at me, "So what brings you to Everglen?" he asked.

"I need your help," I told him.

His smile quickly vanished, "Sure, whatever you need." Fitz dropped his goblin throwing star and wiped his sweaty brow.

"We need to do a mind probe on Lady Gisela."

------------------------------------2 days later----------------------------------

Fitz and I arrived at Lady Gisela's holding cell. "Fifteen minutes," a gruff dwarf announced and opened the door.

I clutched Fitz' hand as we walked in the damp, dark cell.

I wonder why she's kept in Exile. I wondered.

Probably because she's super dangerous. My inner voice said.

Waitttt..... Since when did my inner voice start sounding like Fitz?

Fitz chuckled beside me, I'm in your mind, that's okay right?

Of course, I transmitted, taking a deep breath, I'm ready when you are.

On three? Fitz asked after warily glancing at a sleeping Lady Gisela.

I nodded, One.

Two, I put my fingers on Lady Gisela's temple.

Three. Both me and Fitz transmitted the words we'd come up with yesterday, in perfect unison.




Her mind was starting to give a clear picture.




The image in her mind was almost clear enough.




That did the trick. An image of a black cavern was now crystal clear in her head. Clear enough for me to teleport with.

That's all I need, let's go, I transmitted to Fitz, and together, we exited Lady Gisela's mindscape.

If we had more time, me and Fitz would have tried to get much more information from Keefe's mom, fifteen minutes was all Alden managed to get us.

As if on cue, the furry dwarf opened the door and let us out.

When we finally reached the surface, Fitz brought out his home crystal and raised it to the light. We both entered the glittering path and were transported to his house where everyone was already gathered.

Fitz and I quickly made our way upstairs and into Biana's room. As we entered, I could see Dex showing the others one of his gadgets.

I plopped down on a fluffy pink pillow and asked, "What's that?"

"Well, I call it a Blinder," Dex said proudly, "It releases a blinding light when you press this button," he showed me a red button at the bottom of the cube, "And the enemy is temporarily disarmed!"

"Uhhhh won't we also get blinded if we're there?" Wylie asked.

"Oh yeah, if you guys wear these sunglasses," he showed us a box of sunglasses, "Or close your eyes, it won't affect you."

"Wow, that's actually cool," Marella complimented, "I could totally see us using that next week."

Dex practically glowed with pride, while I frowned.

"Hey, what's up with that frown?" Keefe asked. I could tell he wanted to make a joke about turning it upside-down.

"I just realized how much danger I'm going to put you guys in. I don't want any of you to get hurt because of me," I confessed, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

Tam burst out laughing, "Of course, it wouldn't be a true mission without Sophie trying to talk us out of it!"

The others were quick to follow, "But seriously," Biana told me after she finished laughing, "I don't mind risking my life, because I know you'd do the same for me."

"I couldn't have said it better," Fitz said, but I still couldn't shake that sense of impending doom.

"Thanks guys," I smiled weakly.

We spent the rest of the evening talking about our plan to rescue Grady, "It sounds perfect!" Linh exclaimed at the end of the day.

Perfect was far from what I was feeling.

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