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Okay, this is my first time getting tagged and I'm freaking out. I know. I'm weird. Btw, sorry to all of you who thought I was gonna update. Aaaaanyway, let's get this show on the road.

1. Favorite book:
I honestly have a lot. Flashback, Hunger Games Book 1, Serafina Book 3, Heroes of Olympus Book 3, and Harry Potter Book 7.

2. Favorite Song:
Honestly, my favorite song changes every day soooooo... today it's probably rewrite the stars.

3. Favorite Color:
Teal. You guys know why.

4. Favorite Band:
One Direction

5. Favorite artist:

6. Favorite Subject:
Math... yeah I'm a nerd. What can I say?

7. Least favorite subject:
P.E. Cuz I have absolutely no physical strength.

8. Favorite author:
Rick Riordan and Shannon Messenger

9. Allergies:
Here we go ... cashews, pistachios, peas, hazel nuts( is it just one word?), gram dal( ya probably don't know what that is), eggs, blueberries (ok that's not actually true), and annoying people. I actually start sneezing. Jk.

10. Favorite quote:
"Not all who wander are lost" - Shannon Messenger. 

That was fun. Sorry again for not updating. I'll do it soon.

just want to leave u with that picture

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just want to leave u with that picture.

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