Chapter 9

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"Sophie, come downstairs please!" She heard Edaline shout.

Sophie got up from Fitz's embrace and went downstairs. "Why did you call?" She asked.

"The Council hailed me, and they have called a Team Valiant meeting."

Sophie gave Fitz a sad smile. "I wish you could come, but, you know."

Fitz gave her a reassuring smile, "I know Sophie, it's okay."

"Okay, I'll see you later then!"

"Yeah," he turned to leave, "See you later."

Sophie wore her starlight outfit and hailed the rest of her team to do the same.

"Hey Sophie, I meant Lady Fos Bos," Dex joked as they walked into the hall.

"I wonder what we are doing today," Wylie wondered out loud.

"Yeah, what are we doing?" Biana asked, "And where's Stina?"

"Oh, she's gonna meet us later, some family thing I think," Sophie said.

"Oh, well all the better for us!" Dex laughed.

Biana smacked him. "We're a team!"

"Yeah, with that attitude, you'll change the team name to Team Prodigious again!" Dex countered.

"You know I wouldn't do that. Now let's stop messing around and listen to what the Council has to say."

Dex rolled his eyes. "Fiiiiiiiiiiine"

"Good morning Regents. We have called you for an assignment. Go to Loanmore and check on the progress made in the cleanup. That is all. You may leave."

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