Chapter 37

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Sorry sorry sorry for the delay 😬. Hopefully I can write the next chapter faster... This chapter is in Keefe's perspective. If you have any constructive criticism on how I can improve his perspective, or my writing, please PM me or write a comment. 

Thanks guys!

And here's the chapter!!!

---------------------------------Keefe's Perspective------------------------------

"I'm so sorry," Fallon apologized for the thousandth time.

"It's okay, you couldn't have known," I told him, fighting the urge to do a massive eye roll, "Do you happen to know where Ro is?"

"Actually, I do!" Fallon said, "She told me to tell you, if you ever came around, that she would be waiting for you at the Shores of Solace."

"Okay, let me go see her," I told Fallon. We shook hands, and Fallon suddenly hugged me. I was surprised, but I returned the hug, "You're like my son now. I'm sorry I couldn't save you last time, but rest assured, I will be there for you next time. Hopefully, there won't even be a next time, but you never know."

I was taken aback. No one had ever said something like that to me before, except maybe Alden, "Thank you, Fallon. See you around!"

"Yeah," Fallon said, finally letting me go.

I pulled out my home crystal and looked to Mistmead, waving goodbye, "Bye!" was the last thing I heard before I entered the portal to the Shores of Solace.

I walked up the mother-of-pearl steps. I hoped with all my heart that my dad was not in the house. The last thing I wanted was him demanding to know where I'd been the past weeks. I was just about to knock on the door when I heard a ringing coming from my pocket.

I pulled out my imparter. Fitz Vacker flashed on the screen. Why would he call me if I saw him 15 minutes ago? I wondered.

"Hey," I smirked, "Missing me already?"

The look on Fitz's face made the smirk on my face turn upside down, "Gethen took Sophie," Fitz blurted. I could tell his seemingly nonchalant attitude was just a facade.

"You're still in Havenfield right?" I asked, now banging the door so I could get to the Leapmaster.

Fitz nodded. "I'll be right there," I told him.

He nodded again. "Why was Gethen at Havenfield?" I asked, ignoring the surprised look on my father's face and sprinting toward our Leapmaster 5000.

"Long story short, Gethen told Sophie that he was her father and she faked buying it. She then took him to a Black Swan stronghold where she's waiting for our support," Fitz admitted.

"Then why aren't you calling Forkle?" I asked. I'd successfully located the crystal leading to Havenfield, and I was just stepping through the portal into the lush green fields. There, I saw Fitz waiting for me.

"I tried calling Magnate Leto and Sir Astin, but they didn't answer," Fitz said, "And you're the only other person who would actually believe me."

"You got that right," I said. It was just like Sophie to trick a Neverseen member into capture, "Also, what did Biana and Dex do with my mom?" I asked, not because I was selfish, but because I wanted to make Fitz calm down.

"Biana and Dex took her to Juline, well Squall, and then she told them that he would be, and I quote, 'Taken care of'" Fitz answered, looking at his perfectly polished shoes, which made me wonder if he was leaving something out.

"Ummmm... Okay," I said slowly, "Do you know where she is?" I asked.

"Yeah, she said that she was in Widgetmoor," Fitz said.

I remembered the time Mr. Forkle took all of us to meet Tinker at Widgetmoor, "Okay, do you have a crystal to go there?" I asked.

"Well, I don't have a crystal to go to Widgetmoor itself, but, Luzia lives about a mile away from there, so hopefully we can get there in time," Fitz said.

"Okay, one last question, how do you know where she is? Like when did she tell you?" I asked. It was amazing how much information Fitz had gotten, especially when she'd supposedly left in such a hurry.

"She transmitted to me when she pretended to use the restroom," Fitz answered simply.

"Forget I asked," I told him, "Let's go to..."

"Dawnheath," Fitz completed, knowing I'd forgotten the name of her property.

"That's what I was going to say!" I bluffed. Fitz just gave me an annoyed look.

He raised the pale crystal to the light and we leaped to a grand property. "I shouldn't be surprised," I said, "But that is a super sparkly house."

Fitz chuckled, "I know, I never took Luzia for the sparkles and rainbows type. Should we jog?"

"I'm not as athletic as you, but I can jog a mile," I teased. Only Fitz would jog every weekend instead of sleeping in.

"Okay, great," he said. Then his hands went to his temples.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Sophie, she's transmitting," Fitz responded his expression one of extreme concentration, "Why is she so quiet?" he whispered.

I just awkwardly stood there, I mean what was I supposed to do when Fitz was transmitting to Sophie? After about two minutes, Fitz turned back to me, "Sophie said that if I- If we were going to come to rescue her, we shouldn't blow her cover."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because she's keeping her cover to learn more secrets from Gethen," Fitz responded, making a disgusted face, "I don't know how she can keep that facade on. I don't know how you could keep your facade," Fitz admitted.

It was the first time we ever addressed my time at the Neverseen. Alone, as bros.

"You want some tips?" I smirked.

"Maybe another time," Fitz said, then something seemed to occur to him, "Wait, if Gethen sees me, how will I not blow Sophie's cover?"

I thought for a bit. No doubt Sophie would be in trouble if Gethen saw her. Then a brilliant idea came to me. "Fitz, it's time to play dress up."

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