Chapter 29

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This chapter is in Tam's perspective. I tried my best to channel his inner snark when I wrote, but feedback is totally welcome.

Happy Reading and Shout-out to my fellow Tiana shippers!


---------------------------------Tam's Perspective--------------------------------

Multispecial studies was the WORST SUBJECT EVER!

Lady Mesa was sooooooo annoying and her voice made me want to doze off.

Okay, aaannnnyyyway, back to the story. I was sitting in Lady Mesa's class, trying my absolute hardest not to throw my lunch at her. She was giving our class a lecture about gnomes and how they lived back when they lived in Serenville, not the Lost Cities. I focused on filling out my worksheet, wishing I had a photographic memory like Sophie... or Keefe.

Even though I.. had some differences with the guy, I felt really bad for him. To have to be with the Neverseen twice, to let his friends down twice, to live in the same place as the enemy twice. I don't think I could have ever pulled that off.

As I looked forward to face my teacher, my fingers scribbled down irrelevant pieces of information onto my worksheet. "Grew their own vegetables." blah blah blah. "Enemies with the ogres." blah blah blah. "Were one with nature." Come on, everyone knew this stuff. What we didn't know was how she could talk without knocking herself out. The Council was seriously missing out on some real talent here.

"So what can we learn from this?" Lady Mesa asked. I kept my head down, hoping she wouldn't call on me, "Tam?"

UGH! I flicked my bangs and caught some girls ogling me. "Um... that gnomes are industrial creatures?" I asked, repeating what Mr. Forkle had once said. It was a long shot, and I doubted that crossing my fingers would help, but I did anyway.

"Correct!" she announced. I blew out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I smiled half-heartedly, making a girl squeal, and looked at the clock on the back wall. 12 more minutes until I go home! I thought excitedly.

Even though I was partying on the inside, I urged my body to chill. I had to be calm, cool, and collected. It was the only way I could never get hurt again. Not by my parents, not by my friends, and not by my sister. Not that she would ever hurt me.

I glanced up at the clock again. 11 more minutes. Ugh, why does time take so long? I wondered.

"Okay class, pay attention!" Lady Mesa said, passing "Finals are coming up in less than a month. I'm giving you a list of topics to study for."

Exillium was better than Foxfire in a lot of ways. Lack of exams was one of them. I considered myself a decent student, but when it came to taking exams, I just blanked out and couldn't remember a thing.

I snatched my review sheet, "Seriously, simple ogre phrases?" I snarled. It was hard to keep track of the Enlightened Language, and now I had to memorize phrases in another? And in OGRE? The species which I despised the most? Well, after the dwarves and trolls that is...

Elves were pretty divided species too... I mused.

RIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!! The sound of victory interrupted my thoughts. But I was more than happy to leave Foxfire, even though I had to come back for Shade lessons with Lady Zillah.

I made my way to the courtyard, internally groaning from the weight of my backpack. Another con of Foxfire. The backpacks! I looked for Linh, and sure enough, she was near the exit talking to Wylie. I really wanted to dislike the guy, but he had done nothing concerning... yet... He even handled the talk I had with him, about not hurting my sister, well.

I rolled my eyes and sauntered over to my sister. Nodding to Wylie, I grabbed my sister's arm and held my home crystal to the light.

We materialized by the door. I saw a scroll on our doorstep and looked curiously at Linh. She shrugged in response. "What, I wasn't expecting anything," she remarked, defensively, "Did you?"

"No," I said, picking it up. I unrolled the scroll and in fancy print, it showed the most unbelievable of words.

Lord Cassius's interrogation has been concluded. Among other things, we, the Council, have found that Lord Cassius Sencen had an illegitimate child with the late Cyrah Endal. If any of you have any information pertaining to this, let us know immediately.

The next interrogation will be of Wylie Endal and Keefe Sencen on the day after tomorrow at 12:00 PM.

Again, if anyone has any important information, please report it to the Council. More information will be passed along in the form of these scrolls.


Soooo, this is quite the bombshell.

Ideas on Lord Cassius's illegitimate daughter?

Did I capture Tam's snarky persona?

Vote up if you were surprised!!!!!

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