Chapter 20

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This chapter is in the same time frame as the previous one but in different perspectives.

——————Marella's Perspective——————-

"So can you come over today?" Dex asked me.

"Uh..yeah, sure," I responded. I think we both knew that I wasn't really going over to Rimeshire to babysit the triplets, but to spend time with Dex.

"Cool," he said and locked his locker. We parted our different ways. I went to ability detecting even though I had already manifested as a Pyrokinetic 6 months earlier. The Council could never know the truth about my ability. Even if that meant me being registered as Talentless.

After a long boring session of trying to trigger being a Geokinetic, I met up with Dex in Foxfire's main hallway.

"Let's go?" he motioned to his leaping crystal. In response I held his hand, ignored the fluttery feeling in my chest, and stepped into the glowing portal.

"Lex, Bex, Rex, Marella's here!" Dex called to his siblings.

"Marella!!!" Bex yelled, and she and her brothers, not Dex of course, dogpiled onto me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys need to chill" I told them, "What do you guys wanna do today?"

"I'm hungry " Rex confessed.

"I wanna play tag," Lex said.

"Wanna have a picnic?" I suggested. I was swarmed with a plethora of yes's.

"Okay. Let me just make the sandwiches. Be good to your brother!" I told them and walked toward the kitchen.

"Wait!" Bex called, "Can we help you?"

"Sure, c'mon" I told her. It was so hard to say no to Bex.

"Yay!! Let's go!" Rex yelled.

We all filed into the kitchen. Dex got all the things we would need to assemble the sandwiches.

"Okay, now all you have to do is put the stuff you want on top of the bread and when you're done, put a piece of bread on top and voila, you have a sandwich!" I explained.

"Wow, you're good at this," Dex complimented. I felt my cheeks flame.

"Thanks!" I responded just as Rex came up to me.

"Does that mean I can put Cheez Its on mine?" He asked.

I chuckled, "You totally can, it might taste weird though."

"Let's go!" he exclaimed. He and Lex started putting mounds of Cheez Its on their sandwich.

Where should we go?" I asked Dex.

"The beach?" He suggested, "It's not too far from here."

"Sure!" I told him.

"Okay cool. We're all done. Let's go to the beach" Dex said as we herded the triplets to the door. We walked for about fifteen minutes and arrived on the beach.

"Can you guys help me with the picnic blanket?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" Bex replied, she and her siblings helped me with the blanket. We all unwrapped our sandwiches and started eating.

"Yuck!" Rex and Lex commented after taking a bite of their Cheez It sandwiches. But they snarfed it down in a minute anyway.

"Can we play tag now?" Lex asked.

"Tag!" I tapped him on the back in response.

"Oh it is SO on," he said and started chasing everyone across the beach.

And round and round it went. Lex tagged Bex. Bex tagged me. I tagged Rex. Rex tagged Dex. And Dex tagged Lex again.

I looked at my watch. "Oh my gosh, look at the time. I'm late for my lesson with Fintan!" I exclaimed. A bit too loud. But thankfully, no one but Dex seemed to hear.

"You go ahead. I'll keep them entertained." He said and flashed his dimples

"Thank you soooooo much, see you tomorrow," I told him and pulled out the special crystal the Black Swan gave me. "Bye guys!" I waved to the Diznees.

"Bye Marella!" They waves back. I stepped into the light and let it transport me to the icy prison.

"Fintan! It's me, Marella" I called into the seemingly empty cavern. "Anybody home?"

No response. I checked the whole cavern. No sign of Fintan. Or any other elf for that matter.

I got out my Imparter. "Hail Dex Diznee," I said.

After a few rings, a worried Dex appeared on the screen.

"Marella?" He asked.

"Dex, Fintan isn't here," I told him.

"What? Did they move him?" He asked.

"No, he was supposed to stay here," I told him. "The Black Swan would have told me if he had been moved," I said.

I could see his worry lines deepening. "We should tell Sophie," he said. "Leap over here and we can hail her together."

"Okay," I said and got out my Rimeshire crystal. I was coming over so much that Dex had given me a crystal to his place. Once again, I let the light carry me to Rimeshire.

"Thank goddess you're safe! It might have been a trap," he said and led me to his room.

He was right. And I hadn't even thought of it. "Yeah. Thanks for telling me.

"No problem," he said and pulled out his Imparter. "Hail Sophie Foster" he said to the gadget.

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