Something Fun

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So, I'm rereading KOTLC, cuz I have nothing better to do. I can't go to the library cuz of the coronavirus UGH!!

Back to my point. I was reading and I found some cool stuff that I forgot about earlier. So here are some things we normally forget about KOTLC and unsolved mysteries.

Things we normally forget:

1. Oralie is a conjurer.

This is revealed in the 4th book (Neverseen) when Oralie meets Sophie and her friends before they go to the Black Swan. I read it and I was like WHAT IN THE WORLD!! But turns out, she's and Empath and a Conjurer.

2. Sophie has a Spyball.

A lot of people (including me) forgot about this. Sophie does use her Spyball in the first few books, but slowly stops using it in the later books. She uses it to check on her human family and Grady and Edaline when she joins the Black Swan.


I mean Shannon Messenger has given Sophie and her friends soooo much responsibility. We (or maybe it's just me) forget that they are still teenagers and deserve to have a normal life. I mean, if the world's fate rested on my shoulder, I would seriously fear for the future of the world.

Unsolved Mysteries:

1. What is the Great Gulon Incident????

I've been wondering about this since the beginning, when it was mentioned. They keep referring to it in the first couple books, but again, stop mentioning it as much. Come on Shannon Messenger, I NEED to know what the Great Gulon Incident is.

2. Who is Mr. Forkle?

The question might seem weird at first, but who really is Mr. Forkle, like truly. What I mean is, who was he born as, what's his real identity? I doubt this will be revealed in any of the books, but still, something worth thinking about. I think it was Magnate Leto, but I really don't know.

3. What is the Vacker Legacy?

I think this is a question we have all had at one point in time. What is this Vacker Legacy that Alvar was talking about. That caused him to convert to the dark side, and why did he think Biana would understand it and not Fitz? Will Biana also convert to the dark side when she finds out what it is?

4. Why do people in the Lost Cities get a job?

This might seem like a lame question, but think about it. If everyone in the Lost Cities is born with more than enough money they'll need, why bother getting a job. I mean, I know you should get a job to make sure that work gets done, but you could technically get away with not getting a job and live an equally nice life. Right???

5. What is Keefe's legacy?

We thought the legacies for all the characters would be revealed in Legacy, but I guess not. We never got to know exactly what Lady Gisela (who needs to die) has planned for her son. Will it affect his relationship with Sophie, or make it stronger?

6. What is Sophie's legacy?

By this, I mean what else has the Black Swan planned for her? What has the Council planned for her? Will she make her own future, or let other organizations dictate it even though she doesn't want to let them?


Okay, that was fun. I may put more at the top of each chapter if I can remember to.

Remember to wash your hands and only go out if necessary!!!


Happy Shadow Thoughts!

Fitzphie Forever!

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