Chapter 22

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——————————Sophie's Perspective————-

Everyone had gathered in Havenfield as soon as I was good to go.

"Where's Keefe," Tam asked.

"We don't know," Fitz answered for me, "And the Neverseen took Wynn and Luna too." He squeezed my fingers under the table.

"And Fintan isn't in his prison," Marella added.

"It seems that we have a problem," Wraith concluded, stating the obvious, as always.

"I think our first move should be protecting Silveny and Greyfell," I said, mostly to the Council, "They were safe in the wilderness before Silveny gave birth. We should probably continue that."

"I second that," Biana said, backing me up.

All my friends agreed with me, except for... Linh.

"Shouldn't they have at least some protection?" She asked.

The Council agreed.

"What are you suggesting?" Mr. Forkle asked her.

"Maybe a few bodyguards," she suggested, "but we would have to make sure that they are trustworthy."

"I agree," Wylie said.

"I do too," Dex said, "I could build some weapons if those are needed."

"If we are going to do something like that, shouldn't the bodyguard be someone they trust?" I pointed out.

"True," said Councillor Emery. "We could send Team Valiant."

I didn't quite enjoy the idea of a long camping trip with Stina. "Are you sure, I'm not that familiar with Silveny or Greyfell," Stina said, "I don't think they'd trust me after, you know, what we did."

"But didn't you help her give birth?" Councillor Alina asked.

"Yeah, but still," Stina responded looking uncomfortable.

"Okay, so we are not going to send Team Valiant, but we need to send someone that Silveny and Greyfell trust," Councillor Emery proclaimed.

"I think we should send two people so that they can ride on Silveny and Greyfell, or teleport with ease if necessary," Alden told the Council.

"I agree with Mr. Vacker," Mr. Forkle said, "But maybe we should send four elves so that they have a backup."

"What are you suggesting?" Grady asked.

"I think that we should send four people so that they have a backup, and company, and a varied area of expertise," He replied.

"I'm going!" Biana, Dex, Linh, Tam, Whylie, and Fitz exclaimed at the same time. The adults all exchanged looks.

"What about their bodyguards?" Grizel asked, "They need protection."

"I'm afraid that they will have to manage by themselves. I don't think that Silveny and Greyfell could fly with more than two people at once," Councillor Derek told the bodyguards.

"No bodyguards!" Dex exclaimed, "I definitely need to come on this mission."

"I agree with Dex, we may need to use his gadgets if we run into some trouble," I added, earning a look of pure happiness from him.

"Okay, we have Mr. Dizznee and Ms. Foster. I would like to recommend the Vacker siblings to complete the team. They are trusted by Ms. Foster and Silveny. Trust is going to be very important in order for this to succeed," Mr. Forkle told everyone. I completely agreed with him.

"I agree with Mr. Forkle," Alden said, but he looked a bit reluctant.

"So, it's settled?" Fitz asked, directing the question to the council. They seemed to be debating telepathically about the situation.

324 seconds later, yes I counted, the Council gave their final verdict. "This team that Mr. Forkle has proposed is approved by us. On a couple of conditions. Take only a few things. You will be allowed to return to the Lost Cities every four days. Each one of you will return on a certain day only for one hour. Second, have Sophie and Fitz check-in with Councilor Emery every night. Third, if there is an emergency, or difficult situation, however small it may be, notify at least one adult who is present in this room. Lastly, do anything and everything in your power to keep Silveny and Greyfell safe, even if that means putting yourself in harm's way. Does everyone agree?"

I exchanged glances with Biana. Her eyes were filled with pure determination. "I agree," she said.

"I agree," Dex and Fitz repeated.

"I agree to keep Silveny and Greyfell safe, no matter what the cost," I told the Council.

"Good, remember what we discussed. Your assignment starts now," Councillor Emery told us.

"Yessir!" Dex exclaimed.

Now for the hard part... telling Silveny...

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