Chapter 45

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--------------------------------2 months later------------------------------------

---------------------------------Sophie's POV-------------------------------------

I threw my arms around Fitz, elation bubbling up inside me. We did it!!!

Squeezing me back, he chuckled and whispered, "I knew we could do it!" His hot breath tickling my ear made my face heat up.

We pulled away quickly, to my dismay, not because we wanted to, but because we had an audience.

I hugged my parents next, and then the rest of my friends. I made my way to Sir Tiergan and started to shake my hands with him, but he enveloped me in a hug as well. Next, I found myself in front of Mr. Forkle.

I had been avoiding him for the last 8 weeks. Things with him were a little tense after we went behind his back to fight the Neverseen. He was still not convinced that we got rid of the Neverseen for good until he saw the prisoners himself.

Much to my surprise, though, he smiled and patted me on the back, "Congratulations on becoming the youngest pair of elves to be Cognates!"

I smiled, maybe things would turn out okay between me and Mr. Forkle, "Thanks, we couldn't have done it without your help," I told him sincerely.

"If only you realized how important I was before you stormed the Neverseen hideout," Mr. Forkle muttered under his breath, and I gave a nervous smile and quickly walked away before he could repeat the lecture he gave me on the day we told him.

I subconsciously wondered where Keefe was. I couldn't see him, but just then, Biana pointed to the sky and shouted, "Look!"

I looked up to the sky and there he was, on Silveny's back, carrying a banner saying WE KNEW YOU COULD DO IT FOSTER (and Fitz)!

I giggled and watched him wave it a couple of times, until he let it go, and as it flapped in the sky, it burst into confetti which showered down on all of us.

After he landed, I gave him a hug too, and he asked me, "So I take it you enjoyed my entrance? They say all geniuses have dramatic entrances."

"Actually, all the villains have dramatic entrances," I corrected him, but couldn't help but giggle, imagining Keefe as someone like Thanos or Voldemort.

"Suuuuuure Foster, keep telling yourself that," he laughed, but before I could respond, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away from him.

When I turned to look at whoever took me, it was Fitz, "What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Let's get out of here," he told me, teal eyes twinkling.

"Wh-what?" I asked, and immediately wished I'd come up with a better response.

He just winked and whisked me away from the rest of the group. As he pulled out a crystal from his cape, I tried again, "Where are we going?"

Fitz just grinned and said, "You'll see."

He pulled us into the light and even though I should have felt unsure about following him through, I didn't. I trusted him.

When I made it through the glittering portal, I opened my eyes to a field full of flowers. They were unlike human flowers, some petals were sharp, others were shimmery, some were even glossy! "It's beautiful" I breathed.

"I know," Fitz replied, his eyes fixated on me. My cheeks burned at the cheesy line.

Then he entwined my fingers in his and led me down a small path. I hadn't even noticed it in the midst of the flowers.

As we walked, Fitz suddenly spoke, "When I was younger, I never thought I would ever become someone's cognate." He looked down at me, "I never thought I would find someone who wanted me to be just me. And I never thought I would ever feel this way with someone."

I looked up at him, got up on my tip-toes, and planted a kiss firmly on his cheek, "You were the first person who made me feel like I could be myself around. I mean I was always nervous around you," I chuckled softly and Fitz smirked, "But I didn't have to hide anything from you. And this trust and acceptance between us is something I've always wanted to have."

"I know what you mean," Fitz admitted, "And I promise, it's going to stay this way forever."

I gulped, forever was a long time, and if human relationships fell apart so many times in their small lifetimes, then how long could we last? How many times would we fall apart?

Fitz took cupped my chin and tilted it upward so all I could look at was him.

"Forever," he whispered and kissed my lips.

I don't know how long we stayed there, his lips on mine. It could have been years or minutes. But when we finally broke apart, the sun was starting to set.

"We should get going," Fitz said quickly, suddenly looking a little shy.

We continued down the path, and before I knew it, we ended up next to a large lake.

"Woah," I murmured.

I looked at Fitz, who was frustratedly tearing his hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think we took a wrong turn. We weren't supposed to end up here," Fitz started, "I had everything planned. A picnic, a telescope..." he trailed off.

"Hey it's okay," I said, "I think this place is so beautiful, and we came at the best time!"

Fitz finally took in our surroundings. The sun had just set, and the sky had erupted into breathtaking shades of soft pink and midnight blue, and the clouds were sparking with energy, not unlike the storm of emotions inside me right now. The stars were just starting to appear, and the twinkling lights reminded me of Fitz's eyes. The trees in the distance gave me a small sense of familiarity, but the reflection of the hues in the sky on the lake was the best part.

"It is," Fitz breathed in awe.

"Come on, sit with me," I told him, leading him to the end of the dock.

We sat down, my shoes skimmed the lake, forming ripples in the water. Fitz wrapped me up in his arms and kissed my forehead. "I love you," he whispered, so quiet that I almost missed it.

I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder, "I love you too," I echoed, and I did. I trusted him with my heart, I wanted him, and I loved everything about him. I didn't know what was going to happen next. I didn't know if this was truly the end of the Neverseen. I didn't know what would happen with the Black Swan. I didn't know if I would ever fully be accepted in this Elvin world, or if I would ever get used to it.

All I knew was that whatever was coming, I would get through it because I had the most loyal and amazing friends united by my side, and I knew that they would never leave me.


Hi guys!

This is the end of We Stand United, but I promise, this is not the last you'll hear from me! I have to say, this is kind of bittersweet, but I'm so glad that Sophie is happy, as she deserves to be, and she's with Fitz (#Fitzphie)

If you didn't figure it out, the last scene at the lake is the cover picture.

I hope you enjoyed and thank you for all your support and love!!

Remember, I'm always here for you if you need anything, so feel free to dm/pm me if you need to talk, or just want to friend!

Thank you for everything!


P.S. Happy Shadow Thoughts!! 😀

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