Chapter 13

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"Fitz WAKE UP!!" Biana screamed in his ear. Sophie was in the kitchen getting water to throw on his face.

"Okay got it, so do I just pour it on him?"

"Obviously, I would have thought that the Regent would have known better," Dex remarked. Sophie ignored his comments and poured the water over Fitz's adorable face. He started shaking a bit and his eyes fluttered open.

"I... I what?"

"It's okay, just breathe," Sophie realized that his face now was on her knees.

"Okay, I think I'm feeling okay."

"What happened there?" Keefe asked.

"Oh, Grady got super flustered and then he was like, 'If you really love Sophie, go into the Gorgadon cage for a minute.' And I was like, 'I love Sophie more than anyone or anything' and I just went right in. You should have seen the look on his face. Aaaanyway, this is what happened. I'll be okay, just get the cream for bruises and I'll be fine in 10 minutes."

"Ooookay, so sorry about that Fitzter, I didn't think that was what would happen," Keefe apologized.

"No problem, I would probably end up doing that anyway," Fitz joked, making Sophie's cheeks warm.

They saw Grizel and Sandor run down in the pants they usually wore when they danced. Fitz quickly turned away. "We heard some commotion. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, perfectly fine!" Keefe lied.

They went back up, just as Biana got the cream. Fitz put it on his wounds.

"Okay, it's my turn now. Dex, truth or dare?"

Dex looked surprised, "Dare, Obviously!!" He smirked.

"Wrong choice! Shave Keefe's hair off."

"NO!! Not even Fitz is that cruel please!!" Keefe pleaded.

"Nope, It's called payback my dear friend!" Fitz replied. Dex took a pair of clippers and moved toward Keefe, but Tam held him so that he couldn't move. Soon, most of Keefe's hair was gone.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," He whined. Feeling his head, where only tiny hairs remained. Sophie stifled back laughter.

"Okay guys, this is getting out of hand. Let's play something else," Biana proclaimed.

"Yeah, I think so too," Linh agreed.

"So what do you guys want to do?"

"Well, we could play Do it or Dare It? (I took inspiration from another fanfiction)" Tam suggested.

"How do you play?" Sophie asked.


"You basically tell someone to do something, and if they don't do it then everyone else playing dares them to do something," Tam explained.

"Okay, I think I understand," Sophie said.

"Let's go to the game room this time," Fitz offered. They marched up to the game room and sat in a circle, "Who's gonna go first?"

"Can I?" Linh asked slyly.

Tam and Linh shared a look. "Sure!" Biana exclaimed.

"Tam, you need to get me 3 imps. NOW!" Linh exclaimed.

Tam buried his face into his hands, then glanced at everyone else. "Okay fiiiiine. Be right back." 5 minutes later, Tam was back with 3 imps. Their fur was dark blue, "This is Midnight, that's Shadow, and that one's Unnamed."

"Wait is that seriously his name?" Dex joked.

"Yes!" Tam said with a straight face. You couldn't tell if he was lying.

"They could seriously use a makeover," Biana announced.

"Yeah, I could turn them different colors if you want," Dex told Linh.

"Yeah, and I am definitely gonna change the name but thank you Tam!!!" Linh exclaimed and hugged him tightly. Surprisingly, he returned the hug.

"Okay um... Keefe, you hafta run around the house screaming TAM IS DA BEST!!"

"I've been humiliated enough," Keefe said, "You can dare me, whatever."

"Okay, um... trust fall on Dex," Sophie dared him.

Keefe walked over to Dex and trust-falled on him. Dex being Dex didn't catch him and Keefe fell flat on the floor.

"Tell Biana your deepest darkest secret," Tam dared.

"Um... Biana we're gonna hafta go outside," Keefe declared.

After 347 seconds (Sophie counted) Biana and Keefe came back inside. Biana wore a hopeful expression. Sophie shot her a questioning look. Biana gave her a look that said ''I'll tell you later''.

"Maybe we should go eat lunch now," she said casually, "I'm kinda hungry."

"Okay," Sophie said, backing up her friend. Fitz gave Keefe a "what have you done now" look.

They all filed into the dining room where Della had already set up a platter with delicious looking food. Sophie's mouth watered.

Sophie, can I talk to you for a sec? She heard Fitz's crisp accented voice in her head.


She walked into a small room on the side. Small by elvin standards was absolutely gigantic in the human world. "What's up?" She inquired.

"Um.. there's something I haven't told you...

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