Chapter 4

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Biana, followed by Sophie and Fitz went into the room. Sophie saw Keefe looking tired and was mumbling incoherently.

Sophie walked toward him and pulled him in for a hug. Keefe pushed her away. "Who.. what.. where am I? Who are you?" Keefe said looking confused.

"Yeah I know..." Biana said.

Elwin suddenly came into the room and shooed them out.

When they came out, Sophie and Biana were in tears and Fitz looked like he wanted to punch something.

"You know, I think I should go home," Sophie said, her voice thick.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon," Biana said, and the two girls hugged.

At home Sophie collapsed on her ginormous bed and immediately started crying. When Edaline came to ask her if she wanted to come for dinner, she refused. Later that night, she heard a crisp, accented voice in her head.

(Bold is Fitz and underlined is Sophie)

Hey Soph, you okay?

I don't know. The whole Keefe thing was a huge surprise, and a disappointment. All those experiences I shared with him, they are all gone, just because of his delusional mom.

I know. But you're okay right?

I guess

Don't beat yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault. There wasn't anything you could've done. Let's just hope that Elwin can fix him.


I know this is probably not the right time to ask you this, but do you want to catch up on some cognate training tomorrow, you can come to Everglen.

I think that's a good idea. See you tomorrow Fitz.

See you tomorrow Soph. And by the way can I call you that?

Yeah sure. I finally have a nickname to add on my never ending list!

Good night!

He severed there connection, and Sophie felt that strange feeling of longing.

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