Chapter 10

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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I swear I have too many responsibilities.

Happy Shadow Thoughts


"Ugh, do I have to walk through all this mud!" Biana complained, "The smell is killing me!"

Dex trudged over to her and picked her up. "No you don't," he said mischievously.

"What do you think your doing!" Biana shrieked.

"Carrying you, so you don't have to walk through the mud!" He told her, "Don't worry."

She relaxed a little, "Okay fine, but don't tell Keefe."

"Keefe?" Dex asked, looking a little confused.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend! Did you not know that?"

"Uh..." He dropped her, "I did NOT know that Biana. How come I'M the last person to know about these. I bet Sophie hooked up with Fitz again didn't she," he yelled angrily.


"EXCUSE ME!! I was trying to be NICE to you, like more than FRIEND NICE. And then you tell me THIS!" Dex yelled, his face red.

"EXCUSE YOU!! Maybe you should be a better friend and try to pick up on signs. Such as I don't like you, and I like Keefe," Biana thundered.

"Well that's what I get when I'm stuck at home working on my GADGETS!" He turned to Sophie, "Yeah, why can't I do anything else. All I end up doing is work on gadgets that we end up never using."

"First of all, YES I GOT TOGETHER WITH FITZ. And you don't have to be so mad. What happened to you? You're way more important than that, and you're gadgets ALWAYS save the day. Just chill, and if you can't, than you can just leave," Sophie countered.

"Okay, I agree that I should chill a bit," he took a few breaths in and let them out. He reached to help Biana up. She slapped him away.

"I can do it myself," she said looking away.

"Just... FITZ? After how he treated you?" *insert song: Treat You Better by Shawn Mendez* "Sophie, you deserve better," Dex said.

"That's between me and him. He didn't mean any of it. He was just being paranoid. I don't regret my choices, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, and let's just do what we came here for. Please." Sophie said.

"It's okay. I'll behave. Let's go," Dex said.

"THANK you!" Sophie said.

"Let's go. And Dex, if you want to hook up with someone, Stina's always available!" Wylie joked.

"Uh no.." They said at the same time, and then looked at each other blushing.

"Okay, enough drama. Let's go," Sophie announced.

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