Chapter 38

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----------------------------------Fitz's Perspective-------------------------------

I looked at Keefe in horror, "Dress up?" I asked incredulously.

"Yup," he chuckled and pulled out a lunchbox sized box from his cape, "Always keep this around for emergencies! It's full of hair products, stage makeup, hair products, costumes, hair products, and did I mention, hair products?"

I rolled my eyes, but internally, I was dreading what Keefe was going to do to me.

-------------------------------------Time Skip------------------------------------

We stood before Widgetmoor. I had been extremely careful to not look at my reflection, but when I saw the river, I couldn't help myself.

When I peered into the crystal clear stream of water, I almost fell into it. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I yelled. Keefe chuckled. I looked back at my reflection. I looked nothing like Fitz Vacker. Keefe had done a pretty good job of disguising me, but he didn't have to make me look like I hadn't seen a shower in days!

"You will pay," I growled.

Keefe chuckled again, "Keep telling yourself that."

I grumbled under my breath, "Well, we should be going inside," I remarked.

Keefe nodded, and together, we forced open the doors. Keefe and I fistbumped after we succeeded and we navigated through the unorthodox property. I had to keep dragging Keefe away from Tinker's weird inventions. I needed to mentally coax myself not to stop and stare as well.

Keefe peeked into the next room and gave me a silent nod, signaling that Gethen and Sophie were in that room. Not that I didn't know that, I could hear their voices extremely clearly. We marched into the room, "Gethen SIR!" we exclaimed, saluting.

Gethen looked at Keefe and I, a confused look dominating his face. Sophie looked relieved, but a bit annoyed at our extravagant entrance. I fought the urge to run over to Sophie and lightleap her away from this mysterious place.

"Keefe and..." Gethen said, "Who is that? Why are you here?"

"Well," Keefe said, we had planned this on our way to Widgetmoor, "Fintan sent us to check if you are okay. We found you with the tracker we have on Sophie." Keefe winked conspiratorially.

Gethen nodded, "And he is?"

I mentally kicked myself. That was what we forgot!

Keefe faltered, "Well that is, Keefe." he stated. I almost kicked him, "Keefe.... Keefe Pendulum!" he exclaimed, no doubt referring to the hot pink clock with a neon pendulum. I could tell Sophie was trying very hard to not burst into laughter. I was doing the same.

"Right," Gethen said unsurely.

"That's his codename," Keefe added, sounding a little more confident.

"Sure," Gethen said, "Well, Keefe and... Keefe, will you help me and Sophie bring all this jun- these valuable items."

"Of course," I cut in, giving Keefe an evil look. He wasn't even paying attention to me though, he was lost in his head, probably dreaming up a plan to get us out of here. All of our brainstorming had not been helpful, for even we could not anticipate something like this.

I dragged Keefe to a shelf in the corner, "Sophie, why don't you help us!" I suggested.

Sophie looked to Gethen for conformation. He looked like he was going to say no until Sophie said, "Dad, please?"

"Of course," Gethen said graciously. I guess he didn't want to lose his Daddy points by saying no to Sophie.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to Sophie.

"Shhh," she hissed back. I was a bit offended, until I heard her melodic voice in my head. "I'm fine," she transmitted, "But we need to get out of here, and capture Gethen."

I nodded discreetly, "Do you have a plan?" Keefe asked. Apparently Sophie had included him in our transmissions.

This time, Sophie gave a slight nod, "We sneak up on him and knock him unconscious," she transmitted, stuffing a cube-like object into the sack, "And then I teleport us out of here."

"Okay," Keefe transmitted, "Where's the restroom?" he asked out loud.

Gethen swiveled around, "I don't know, check the hallway on the right."

"Kay," he said and disappeared into the hallway.

Sophie and I looked at each other and shrugged, before we knew it, Keefe was back with a stick. "Take THAT!" he yelled and the stick came crashing down on Gethen's forehead.

"You-" was all Gethen managed to say before he collided with the floor.

"Let's get out of here!" Keefe exclaimed. I quickly dumped the contents of the sack I was holding and lifted Gethen up and stuffed him inside it.

I took one last look at the eccentric estate, hoping that I would remember it, and then twined my fingers with Sophie's.

"Yeah, let's go," I said. Keefe and I helped Sophie teleport the three of us out the window, and I may have screamed a tiny bit on the way down, but it was all worth it when all of us reached Havenfield safe and in one piece.

"Well, that happened," Sophie said, then looked at Keefe, "You know that I didn't actually believe him right?"

Keefe nodded, "Lady Fos Boss is too smart to let an upstart like Gethen outsmart her," he remarked, and I couldn't help but chuckle at that one.

Just then, my sack started moving vigorously, "LET ME OUT!" yelled the elf inside.

"Oh brother," Keefe muttered, "Not him again."

Hello again, liked the chapter?

This one was definitely one of my favorites, I mean Keefe doing makeup on Fitz? Priceless.

What about you guys? What did you think?





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Until next time peeps!

Rsurana216 signing off.

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