Chapter 23

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"Do you want me to come?" Fitz asked.

"Uh, sure," I responded. It was super sweet of him to offer, and I could use all the help I could get.

"We should come too, right?" Biana confirmed, pointing to herself and Dex.

"Yeah, we might as well tell her everything right now," I said, trying not to picture the mama alicorn's devastated face.

I guided my friends toward the alicorn enclosure. SOPHIE!!! HI! FITZ!!! HI! WORRIED! LUNA! WYNN! She bombarded once she spotted me.

(Sophie is underlined, Fitz is bold, Silveny is italics)

I actually have to tell you something about them. I told her in the most comforting tone I could. Wynn and Luna were taken by the Neverseen. BAD PEOPLE! I don't know how much Silveny actually understood, but she seemed to understand the gist of it.


We will help, but first we have to keep you safe. Fitz added, he had slipped past my blocking at some point.

HELP! HELP! HELP! Silveny protested.

You need to hear me out, Silveny. I told her, hoping that the stubborn alicorn would listen for once. Greyfell nickered at her as if he was encouraging her to listen to me. Wynn and Luna were taken by very bad people. If you don't trust us and come with us, you and Greyfell will be taken too.


If you guys are safe, we can focus on keeping Wynn and Luna safe. Fitz added.


Yes, you will help Wynn and Luna by staying safe. It's important that they return to a healthy mama. Right?

YES! The enthusiasm returned to her voice. TELL GREYFELL!

Okay, you can tell Greyfell. We're gonna be right back okay? Silveny gave a brief nod and started transmitting to Greyfell.

I took my consciousness out from Silveny's and walked to the Councillors.

"I'm assuming you convinced the alicorns?" Councillor Noland asked.

"Yes, they are willing to come if it will help the babies," I responded.

"Great," he responded.

"Are you going to tell everyone? About Wynn and Luna?" I asked.

"Yes, we figured it would be better not to keep the public in the dark. Especially after what happened with the Wildflower Colony and the plague," Councillor Emery responded.

"Are you sure? Everyone's gonna freak out when they hear about it," Biana added. I wasn't a fan of being kept in the dark, but I had to agree with Biana for this one.

"Yes, but it is our duty to keep them informed about what is happening in our world. We need to inform them and assure them that we are doing everything in our power to save them," he responded.

"Okay..." she responded unsurely.

"Yes. We wish you luck with your assignment. I sincerely hope that we can work together to retrieve the alicorn babies and restore peace to our world. Unfortunately, we must leave now. Don't forget to check in with an adult tonight," Councillor Emery said and raised his leaping crystal to the sky. The rest of the Council raised their crystals as well, Oralie gave a small wave before getting whisked away in the light.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. "I wish you didn't have to do this," Edaline said, wiping a tear.

"Yes, you children now have a tremendous responsibility. The fate of the world quite literally rests on your shoulders," Alden added, "I wish it didn't have to come to this, but now here we are, sending you away to save the world, yet again."

I felt so burdened when Alden put it that way. What if we weren't able to save Silveny and Greyfell. What if we could never find Wynn and Luna. What if we never saw Keefe again? Why had I agreed to do this?

"Thanks so much for agreeing to come," I told Fitz, Dex, and Biana.

"Are you kidding, of course we'd come!" Dex said.

"It's just that, it's probably going to be pretty dangerous and-"

"I'm going to stop you right there," Biana told me, "We know what we signed up for and we don't regret it." She looked to the others for agreement, and sure enough, they nodded.

"And I hope you guys can take care of what's going on here," I told Tam, Linh, Wylie, and Marella.

"Yeah, totally," Marella said, "We'll keep you posted.

"I'm going to miss you guys," Linh said, her voice cracking.

I gave her a hug. "Don't worry about us," I told her, "And thank you so much."

I don't know why, but I had a sinking feeling that this would be the last peaceful moment we would have in a long time. I gave all my friends hugs, and it didn't even feel the least bit awkward. I walked over to my adoptive parents. They suffocated me in a group hug.

"We're so proud of you," Edaline said.

"We are going to miss you so much," Grady said and pulled me tighter. I think I cracked a few bones.

Stina coughed, "Sorry to break up this little family reunion, but you guys should probably pack."

I looked outside and the sun was already setting. I walked upstairs and picked up my purple backpack. I stuffed two sets of clothes, my toothbrush, Ella, and a sleeping back into the pack and put it on. I looked around my room and said goodbye to Iggy and he farted in my face in response.

Finally, I walked down the stairs, trying to remember every inch of the massive estate. My friends were waiting for me downstairs. I put on my brave face. "Let's go."

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