Chapter 6

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Sophie and Fitz quickly stepped back from each other.

"Ummm... Did I disturb you guys or something?" Biana asked.

"No, no, not at all," Sophie claimed nervously.

"Yeah, we were just Cognate training."

"Ooookay, I totally believe you," she said unconvincingly, "I just came to ask Fitz if he wanted to see Keefe with me, but you can come too."

"Yeah, I was planning on seeing him today as well. I'll come with you."

The three leaped to Healing Center. She was surprised to see Keefe awake. She walked slowly toward him. He jumped up and immediately sat down again screaming in pain. Sophie could see his pupils fading. His cries of pain filled the entire healing center, and abruptly stopped. He was inside a ball of something thick and black which looked like shadows and pure white light which hurt her eyes to look at.

"I think he's manifesting," Fitz whispered to Sophie.

"Yeah, I think he is going to be a Stellarlune." She whispered back.

"Wait, Stellarlune, what's that?" Biana asked, clearly confused.

Fitz and Sophie exchanged worried looks, "We'll tell you later," Sophie said.


Keefe began floating in the ball, and just as suddenly as it started, Keefe was dropped onto the bed. He rubbed his eyes. "Oh, I remember everything now," he whispered, mostly to himself.

Sophie walked up to him, "Do you recognize me?"

He flashed his trademark smirk at her. "Yeah I do Lady Fos Bos, do you think I'd ever forget you?" Sophie breathed a sigh of relief.

Biana ran up to Keefe's bed and buried her face in her shoulder and started sobbing uncontrollably. Keefe just cradled her in his embrace rocking her back and forth slowly, whispering, "It's okay, I'm all right."

While the Biana and Keefe were cuddling, Sophie and Fitz decided what their next move would be.

"So you said the mass murder happened 1,000 years ago. Right?" Fitz asked.

"Yeah," Sophie confirmed.

"So we probably have to ask someone really old, someone ancient, to help train Keefe, and help him control his power."

"Like Councillor Bronte!"

"Do you really want to ask him?"

"No, not really," Sophie said frowning, "Then who can we go to?"

"My Great Great Great Great Great Great Great, you get the point, Great Grandfather." Fitz ventured.

"Oh, like Fallon Vacker," Sophie concluded.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

"Okay, so should we go now?"

"Yeah, do you want to leave Biana here or take her with us."

"We should ask her," Fitz said walking over to her. "Biana, do you want to come with us to see Fallon, to learn about Keefe's new ability. We'll tell you what we know on the way.

"Sure," she said wiping her eyes and sniffling a little bit.

"Can I come too?" Keefe asked.

"We'll have to ask Elwin about that," Sophie reminded him. "Elwin, can Keefe come to meet Fallon with us?"

"Yeah, sure, let me give him a quick check up," while Elwin was checking Keefe, Sophie and Fitz told the others about Stellarlunes.

"Okay, he's good to go," Elwin said.

"Great," Sophie said walking with the others to the Leapmaster, "Let's go."

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