Chapter 19

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——————-Fitz's Perspective ———————

How could this be happening!!!! "Sophie, Sophie, are you okay? MR.FORKLE, HELPPPP!!" I yelled. Somebody needed to help Sophie, and I couldn't afford to wait for help to come. I was her COGNATE for god's sake.

I pressed my fingers on her temples and entered her subconscious. Brutal images of Silveny's babies accompanied by a creepy voice filled Sophie and my head.

You will NEVER win. The Neverseen are always going to win. It said. It's all your fault. You could have protected them. You let them get captured.

I was no Empath, but I could sense the guilt seeping into the ridges of her now dark mind.

I started panicking. What am I supposed to do? How can I help her. Wait wrong question. What would Sophie do?

I know that she stopped my father's mind break the first time , but how?

Maybe, just maybe she countered it with the opposite emotions. Even though I wasn't an Inflictor I could try mind thrusting the emotions, which was basically a combination of transmitting and brain pushing. But which one..

Opposite of guilt... hm... Comfort? Being loved? A combination?

Yes! A combination! Okay, let's do this Fitz!

I gathered all my feelings of being loved, of loving Sophie, of feeling comfortable, of being with Sophie and mind thrusted them all to her brain. Did it work?

I retreated my conscious from hers. Only one thing on my mind. Did it work?


She was still lying on the floor. She looked relaxed like she was sleeping, but her face said otherwise.

WWSD, What Would Sophie Do, WWSD?

Okay, let's think. The voice is making her feel useless, guilty, regretful. I need to make her feel otherwise. Forgiveness, helpfulness, and love.

Okay, got it. Just need memories. A lot of them.

My first memory was of the time where my dad asked me to search for Sophie. It made me feel wanted. Like I actually mattered to someone. Like I was going to make a difference in someone's life. The second one was of helping Sophie after she faded after she was kidnapped in Paris. It gave me deja vu feelings of love and trust. I still think about that time when I'm feeling low. She chose to call me for help. She trusted me with her life. Her future. Her everything. The time when she forgave me for being a really mean person after my dad's mind broke. I knew I was a horrible person at that time, but her forgiveness made me feel super bad about what I did to her, but also made me feel like everything was going to be okay. The next one, probably my second, no third, favorite. Sophie agreed to be my cognate!!! That is up there on my list 'cause it was the first time I felt like Sophie actually trusted me after the exile incident. Cognate Rings. That was the approval I totally needed from her. It was like, I have a chance at her liking me back. Moving right along to my second favorite memory. Everglen. Admitting to Sophie that I liked her, and her saying that she liked me back. The love I felt with that memory was almost overwhelming. My favorite one, though, was when Sophie told me that she forgave me. That we could be together again. All the regret piled up instantly disappeared and love and forgiveness replaced it.

I channeled all my energy with the emotions and mind thrusted them into her mind. I took out my consciousness from hers and waited.

Wait. Wait. Wait. For what felt like hours.

Then suddenly, she jolted up and held my arms. "Keefe, it's Keefe. They have Keefe," She wheezed and then fell back to the floor.

I think my cliffhangers are getting more and more evil each chapter.


Okay, that was kinda weird. Stay tuned for the update!

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