Chapter 7

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Special thank you to team_sophie for being my first commenter! Make sure to comment below or vote if you like my story!!

-Rsurana216 aka #1KOTLC fan

Happy reading!

The four reached Mistmead and Fitz knocked on the door.

"Fallon, open the door, we need to talk to you!" Fitz shouted.

"Leave me alone," yelled someone inside.

"Please, we need your help. Something about Stellarlunes," Sophie pleaded.

They heard footsteps, Fallon opened the door just a little and led them into a sitting room. Fallon sat down on a rocking chair. "Stellarlune you say? What do you know about that?"

"Well, long story short, Keefe manifested into a Stellarlune because of a genetic experiment his mom tried on him," Sophie explained.

"Oh, I see. Well children, I can't help you."

"Please, you have to, Keefe's life is in danger," Biana said. Fitz, Sophie, Keefe and Fallon looked at her.

"Okay, I'll tell you what I know," Fitz and Biana shared a look, "It all happened 1,000 years ago. I was on the council at the time. There was an ability that some elves had called Stellarlune. Those elves were getting very powerful, and we Council members thought that they may pose as a future threat. We cast a vote to murder them. It was a unanimous vote, and we called all the Stellarlunes to the Tribunal Hall, and gave them an elixir that killed them instantly. The rest of the world thought they had caught some kind of incurable disease. Of course we forgot about it, but I opened my cache a long time ago."

"Wait, why didn't they just Exile them?" Keefe asked.

"Because they could easily escape the prison. There was nothing we could do but kill them, for our safety."

"How is Keefe a Stellarlune then?" Sophie asked.

"There is another way to manifest into a Stellarlune, you have to have a reaction with some sort of light and some sort of shadow."

"Like what happened to him in Loanmore," Sophie said, "Kind of like Spider-Man, you have to be hurt by the power before you get it."

"Spider-Man? Who's that?" Biana asked.

"Oh," she blushed, "It's just a human thing."

"That kinda makes sense though," Fitz said.

"Yeah, is there any way you can train him?" Sophie asked.

"I think so, I used to have a friend who was a Stellarlune, so I think I can do it. But Keefe would have to put up with my attitude. Plus, I have nothing better to do," Fallon answered.

"Great, anyone jealous of my life now?" Keefe asked sarcastically, raising his hand, "No takers? Seriously?"

"Keefe, focus," she turned to Fallon, "When can he come to train?"

"Oh, everyday after Foxfire, maybe, whenever, I'm free all the time."

"Okay great," Keefe said, "It's settled. Let's go home now."

Sophie slapped him, "Behave! Thank you Fallon, you have saved us a lot of trouble."

"My pleasure," he said as he opened the door for them to go.

After they came outside, Fitz said, "Well that went better than I thought it would."

"Yeah," Sophie said. Biana and Keefe were whispering amongst themselves. His arm around her waist. "Do you want to come to Havenfield tomorrow? To talk," she looked at him pointedly.

"Sure," he said, "See you tommorow."

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