Chapter 32

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-------------------------Tam's Perspective---------------------------

The room was all dark and had two metal chairs separated by a metal table. The chamber was lined with steel. Honestly, the room seemed kinda comfy. Wylie and I had been separated in the hallway and put into separate interrogation rooms.

A few minutes passed. Still, no one entered the room. Was I supposed to die of boredom here? After like 2 hours of practicing to be Keefe (don't look at me like that! I didn't get much practice before!) I was bound to think like him. What would Keefe do right now? I asked myself. Doodle, Of course! Mentally congratulating myself on the epiphany, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pen with a disturbingly sharp point, apparently, they were Keefe's signature merchandise. In no time, the table's leg was covered in carvings of Lady Mesa.

After what seemed like a bajillion hours later, my interrogator, Councillor Oralie, sauntered into the room wearing a poofy pink dress. Wow, very intimidating...Nice job Council, I knew we could depend on you for catching the most decisive murderers by unleashing pretty pink terrors!

"Keefe Sencen lay your hands out across the table," She ordered. I could tell that she was, trying hard not to laugh at the Lady Mesas engraved in the table's leg. I did as she asked, only to have my hands strapped tight across the table.

She reached her hand out to mine and gripped it firmly, which seemed kinda wrong until I remembered that she was an Empath. Then came the hard part: lying to an Empath. I bet she did that for un-Empathy reasons with Kenric, was all I could think of. Then cursed myself for doing so when she raised an eyebrow.

"Keefe Sencen, have you had any contact with your mother recently?" she inquired.

"No, I have not," I said, trying to be convincing. Then, I smirked for good measure. I bet that was Keefe's go to, anyway. This first one was easy. I hadn't had any contact with my mother, so I didn't have to lie. I looked at Oralie. Her face was unchanged, so I assumed she hadn't caught my lie yet.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the missing alicorns, Wynn and Luna?" she asked, gripping my hand tighter.

"No, I do not," I said, and that was the truth.

"Do you have any information which would be helpful for the Council's investigations or to the Lost Cities?" she asked.

I considered not telling her anything, but then thought it would be better to give her a small insignificant piece of information. Maybe she would let me go if I proved to be helpful.

I decided to play the Linh card, "Glimmer," I told her.

She looked at me, eyebrows raised, "The Neverseen's flasher?"

"Yeah," I agreed, "She's in the Lost Cities."

"On who's authority?" Oralie asked her raised voice, making me flinch. Who knew she could be so scary...

"The- The black swan," I admitted.

"Naturally," she remarked, "Do you know where she is?"

"No," I said looking down at my uncomfortable shoes. How could Keefe function while wearing these? I thought.

"Okay," she said slowly, "Well is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"Nope, nothing. Can I go now?" I asked, remembering that I was Keefe and Keefe was the only elf I knew who whined 24/7.

"Well then, we have nothing further to discuss. You may leave."

"Okay," I said, taking one last look at my carvings and walking out the door she opened for me.

I found myself back in the waiting room. Wylie was sitting on a stool in the corner. "Let's go," he said in his deep voice. I nodded and made my way out the door.

I let out a deep breath, "We did it!" I whispered to Wylie.

He turned to me, "I think we have to meet someone," he said.

I looked up at him, a confused look on my face. "Who?" I asked.

"Lord Cassius," was his only reply.

--------------------------------Marella's Perspective-----------------------------

"Now try to control your fire as you balance on the beam," Mr. Forkle was saying. Ever since Fintan had escaped, I'd been taking lessons from Mr. Forkle instead. They weren't as effective, but something is always better than nothing right?

"Okay," I said, concentrating on controlling my fire as I walked across the thin balance beam.

"No, you're losing control!" Mr. Forkle announced. I let out a frustrated breath. "You don't have to concentrate too much, Ms. Redek," he told me, "Just enough so that the fire is in your control."


I tried to make sense of what Forkle said, Just enough so that the fire is in your control, I thought to myself. I remembered something Fintan said which was pretty similar to Forkle's statement. Remembering my lesson with him, I imagined my concentration in the form of a dam (A/N: For all you PJO fans, it's not gonna be a dam problem). When the fire got out of hand, I let out some of my concentration.

I crossed the beam 3 times before I got tired. "Great job Ms. Redek!" Mr. Forkle exclaimed. I mentally congratulated myself and wished that Fintan would be in custody again so that I could resume my lessons with him.

"Thanks," I croaked, and Mr. Forkle handed me a bottle of youth. I gulped it down and was instantly refreshed. "Do I need to do it again?" I groaned.

"Not at all, if you are feeling tired, rest up, maybe we can continue tomorrow," he told me.

"Okay," I told him, pulling out my home crystal.

"Wait, one more thing, can you give this to Grady?" he asked, giving me a red envelope.

"Um, yeah, sure," I told him.

"And please don't give it to anyone but Grady. It is imperative to keep it private," he told me, "I would do it myself, but I need to be somewhere and I'm already late." He smiled and pulled out a pale pink pathfinder. I smiled in return and leaped home. When I got there, I ran up to our Leapmaster 5,000. Fighting the urge to tear open the red envelope, I found the crystal to Havenfield and leaped to the large estate.

I walked up the path to the tall door. I knocked on the door and waited for the Ruewens to open the door. I was standing at the same place after 3 minutes. I knocked on the door for the 10th time, promising myself that if they didn't answer, I'd leave.

Even after that, no one answered, so I turned around and held my home crystal to the light. I'll just give it to them tomorrow, I told myself. Just as I was about to hop into the light, Sandor opened the door.

"Ms. Redek?" he squeaked in surprise.

"Hi Sandor, Mr. Forkle sent me to give this to Grady," I told him.

"Oh," he looked squeamish, "I can take it in for him."

"Um... Mr. Forkle told me that it was private and I had to give it directly to Grady," I informed him, trying to be as polite as possible so that I wouldn't offend him.

"You see, the thing is... we can't find Grady."

Two Cliffangers!!! How are you guys going to live with this?

I want to hear your predictions:

What happened to Grady?

How is the meeting with Lord Cassius going to go?

And does anyone have any predictions about what's happening with Sophie, Silveny, and Greyfell?

Don't be a silent reader! I want to hear what's going on in your head (because I'm not a telepath).

Let's ignore how creepy that sounds...

And don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

See you at the next chapter!


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