Chapter 30

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----------------------------Unknown Perspective---------------------------------

This chapter takes place a day before Lady Gisela talks to Fitz, Dex, and Biana.

Doing Lady Gisela's laundry was a very unpleasant job, but it wasn't the worst job I'd had to do in these past few months. Unfortunately, she knew my secret. So did Ruy and Fintan. None of them could look at me the same after I told them.

I wrang out the water from her dress and put it in the clean pile I had made. "Hey," I heard, "Flasher." I turned to see the one and only Keefe Sencen. Even his name made me cringe in disgust.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying hard to not strangle him.

"You're needed in the main hall," he told me.

"Oh, let me finish this," I told him. Keefe could wait five minutes couldn't he?

"I don't think I was clear. Lady Gisela needs you in the main hall," he clarified.

"Okay, let's go," I responded. I abandoned the clothes I was washing and put my hood back over my face. We walked, side-by-side to the main hall. A few feet between us felt like too little. I was too close to that little bastard.

"I was summoned?" I asked once we made it to the main hall. One would think that a room with a name such as the main hall would be a grand room filled with jewels. Instead it was a cramped cavern filled with yucky smelling fungi.

"Yes, we must discuss who will go with me to meet the Black Swan," Lady Gisela announced.

I instantly raised my hand. I had always wanted to go to an actual mission, not dirty work like keeping Tam in line or capturing the baby alicorns. Unfortunately for me, Ruy and Trix also raised their hands, probably wanting to prove themselves too. We were going to meet the Black Swan after all.

"Keefe will come with me, obviously. He needs to learn how to negotiate in order to fulfill the role I have made for him after all," she ordered as Keefe groaned. Seriously, some of us were trying to do as many missions as possible to repay debt and others got missions handed to them in silver platters.

Lady Gisela scanned the rest of us and ignored my hand. "Oh, Ruy, perfect. You can come with us and have the revenge you wanted," she added. Since the Black Swan members had stripped him of his powers, he had been rambling on and on and on about how he wanted to get his rightful revenge.

"Okay, now that that's settled, all of you can be our backup. The main objective of this mission is to capture the rest of the alicorns. Keefe, Ruy, and I will distract the Black Swan members while the dwarves secure the alicorns. Is that clear," she asked.

"Yeah," I said, suddenly not so eager to be a part of this mission. "You are dismissed. Get back to work!" she snapped.

I walked back to the river where her clothes lay, undisturbed, dreading tomorrow's mission. I felt really, really sorry for the alicorns, who didn't know what was coming for them.

Some of you guessed this "unknown" character correctly. I can't say all of did though...

So... Any new ideas on her identity?

Don't forget to vote up, comment, and follow!!!!!!

Until the next time we meet fellow Earthlings.

Sorry I just had to say that.

Anywhoooooo, tata!

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